Spinal Imaging

Johan W.M. van Goethem, H. Imhof
Spinal Imaging
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This is a richly illustrated and comprehensive textbook on the imaging of frequently encountered spinal disorders. Degenerative disease, spinal trauma, spinal tumors and the postoperative spine are addressed in detail. In addition, there are individual chapters on embryology, the pediatric spine, biomechanics, scoliosis, vascular disease, bone marrow disorders, infections, spondyloarthropathies and imaging of the sacrum. All imaging modalities are considered, including plain film, multidetector CT and MRI. The book is intended for daily use in any practice that engages in spinal imaging, and will assist both in film interpretation and in image acquisition. It will thus appeal to all physicians who make use of spinal imaging: radiologists, orthopedic surgeons, neurosurgeons, neurologists and other spine care providers. Its logical structure and extensive, accurate index are specifically designed to ensure ease of use.
Data wydania: 2006
ISBN: 978-3-540-21344-4, 9783540213444
Wydawnictwo: Springer
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