Sugar daddies

Jade West
Sugar daddies
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A sugar daddy website doesn't seem a sound basis for an A1 life plan, but I'm a small town girl with big dreams, and there's this one advert, this one crazy advert I can't stop thinking about... Two hot guys seeking their Little Miss Right. Someone who can entertain them, amuse them, fit in with their corporate schedule. And sex. They want sex. Lots of sex. Bonus, right? One major dose of epic win. Of course, guys like Carl and Rick have their conditions. One being that they come together, or not at all. Hell, I can live with that. And there are no skeletons in their designer closet, none that I can find. Just two hot sugar daddies, with particular tastes, nothing to worry about. Until Carl and Rick spill the big one, the one that sends the girls running. A whole string of them before me, running to the hills without so much as a backward glance. Maybe I should run, too. Thanks but no thanks, see you around, guys, nice knowing you. But I'm already in way too deep for that.
Data wydania: 2016
ISBN: 978-1-5351-5402-4, 9781535154024
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
Kategoria: Romans erotyczny
Stron: 444
dodana przez: mooinaa


Jade West Jade West Jade West is an erotic romance author, based in the English Herefordian countryside. Best known for Sugar Daddies, Bait and Call Me Daddy, she began her career in 2015 with the launch of her debut novel, Dirty Bad Wrong - the first of the Dirty Bad ...

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