The Dark Beloved

Helen Falconer
The Dark Beloved
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Aoife has returned. Back with her family after her adventures in the Land of the Young – where she rescued her younger sister Eva, narrowly escaping the evil fairy Dorocha – she is adjusting to life in the human world. But this is hard when you are trying to contain an otherworldly power . . . and even harder when you've been thought dead, mourned by those you love. Aoife’s world collapses completely when Shay, her fellow traveller and love of her life, abandons her. He is a lenanshee – and it is dangerous to love, and be loved, by such a fairy. But Shay is trapped in his own web of desire, as dark forces move against the pair. When he is taken in by a beautiful demon, this can only mean a return to the Fairy World. Aoife – with her best friend Carla – must battle old and new enemies, meet old and new friends, and use all her Fairy Powers to save Shay – her true Beloved. And when days in the Fairy World are months in the human world, time runs out very fast indeed . . .  
Data wydania: 2016-06-02
ISBN: 0-552-57343-4, 0552573434
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Corgi
Cykl: The Changeling, tom 2
Stron: 512
dodana przez: bookkeeper

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