The Highland Fling

Amy McGavin
The Highland Fling
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I’m done with men. For the last eighteen months, I’ve thrived as a single woman, dedicating my time and energy to self-care and healing.

But at my best friend’s engagement party, in the picturesque Highland town of Bannock, I’m irresistibly drawn to Aidan Stewart, a handsome Scot with mesmerising sky-blue eyes, tousled dirty-blond hair, and a playboy reputation. I’ve heard all about his “one-and-done policy”.

Once, I would have run from men like him, but I’m no longer seeking commitment either. So why not give in to the attraction?

Back in bustling London, I brush aside the memory of that night and push on with my life. Fate, however, has a surprise in store: a positive result on a pregnancy test.

The prospect of motherhood terrifies me, but I summon the courage to embrace it. I’m a strong, independent woman who can raise this child on my own.

What baffles me is Aidan’s sudden interest in me. He’s not the type to cling to old-fashioned notions of “doing the right thing”. What is it he wants? And more importantly, what is it I want?
Data wydania: 2024-03-04
ISBN: 978-1-916734-03-6, 9781916734036
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Grumpy Grouse Press
Cykl: True Scotsman, tom 2
Stron: 314
dodana przez: saskia9

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