Things I'll Never Say

Maggie O'Shea
Things I'll Never Say
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His best friend in the world is ditching him; moving out of state to go to college and leaving him behind with all the reminders of their childhood together. It hurts like hell but he doesn’t know how to tell Ryan that he needs him to stay…without saying too much. Ryan has no choice. He’s been in love with Sam for so many years he’s afraid if he doesn’t leave that he’ll spend his whole life alone in love with someone he can never have…but of course Ryan can’t tell his oldest and best friend that he’s in love with him. It would ruin the most important thing in his life. And then it happens. The amazing, wonderful, awful night that sends their relationship reeling—and ends in the worst way possible: with Ryan gone and Sam heartbroken and both of them miserable without the other. Sam and Ryan have to fix it; they need each other too much to let their relationship die. But to do that, they’ll have to find the courage to tell each other the truth about how they feel…to finally say those things they’ve kept to themselves for far too long.
Data wydania: 2012-04-08
ISBN: 978-1-926830-17-9, 9781926830179
Język: angielski

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