
Elle Casey
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Alissa Benson used to have plans. Big ones. Important ones. But all those plans went down the drain on her twenty-first birthday, and now she's just trying to pick up the pieces and manage the fallout. Sure, there are people wanting to help. But they're pushy and suffocating and none of them can say more than ten words without cussing. And then of course there's Colin. As if life isn't complicated enough. He's the guy who couldn't stand to even look at her last week but now seems to keep popping up every time she turns around. She'd like to say she can't stand the sight of him, but that would be a lie. It doesn't matter, though. Life is too complicated for dreaming about guys like him. Alissa has a baby almost due, no job, no money, and there's nothing she hates more than being a burden. But when her past moves into her present, threatening to take away her very last shred of dignity, she's forced to reconsider everything she ever thought she knew about the world and herself.  
Data wydania: 2014-01-23
ISBN: 978-1-939455-19-2, 9781939455192
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Elle Casey
Cykl: Rebel Wheels, tom 3
Stron: 366
dodana przez: kazal_ka

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