Virgin Daiquiri

Moira Rogers
Virgin Daiquiri
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Looking for a first lover. Caitlin Carlson, the only non-witch in the powerful Dumitrescu line, needs to lose her virginity, and fast. A family legend about a pure soul with prophetic visions has put her first in line for a good, old-fashioned sacrifice, and visiting Last Call seems like the perfect way to head off her one-way trip to the altar. Buy a drink, go upstairs, have sex. Simple. Being a demon isn't as easy as it used to be, especially with the dwindling number of corruptible souls in the 21st century. Luckily for Leofric, he's never been particularly concerned with corrupting enough innocents to earn a promotion off of the mortal plane. But when a virgin wanders into Last Call and stirs up competition among the younger demons, Leo finds himself tempted to rethink his stance on mixing a demon's business with a woman's pleasure.  
Data wydania: 2009-02-09
ISBN: 978-1-60521-108-4, 9781605211084
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Changeling Press
Cykl: Last Call, tom 4
dodana przez: kazal_ka

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