W książce Time and Silence, fotograf Caroline Halley des Fontaines, zabierana w podróż w przeszłość do świata nienaruszonego przez nowoczesność i postęp.Rzeczywistość, którą tu odkrywamy, jest prosta ...
Is there a right way to speak and write English? Specially compiled for allages, this book explains the workings of today's English, from the mostbasic (but much overlooked) rules of grammar and spell...
New Edition, Expanded, Updated and Illustrated by Ned Halley What is aslack-ma-girdle? Or a submarino? How did White Horse whisky get its name?Or Old Bawdy barley wine? How do you make a really dry ma...
Who was Nostradamus, and what faith should we place in his predictions?This book gives objective answers. It reveals that Michel de Nostredame, a16th-century French doctor, was more Renaissance man th...