
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "endou glantz", znaleziono 6

Będę orał śnieg
Będę orał śnieg
Edward Kopczyński

"Going Global" : procesy globalizacji w firmie konsultingowej : studium przypadku
"Going Global" : procesy globalizacji w firmie konsultingowej : studium przypadku
Karolina Garztecka

Publikacja została napisana na podstawie procesow globalizacyjnych w firmie Price Waterhouse. Autorka przedstawia historię Price Waterhouse, pojęcie globalizacji według konsultantów. Interesująco opis...

Atlas of Cranio-Facial and Skull Base Surgery
Atlas of Cranio-Facial and Skull Base Surgery
P. Cappabianca

This atlas, organized in two sections -neurosurgical section and maxillo-facial section- provides a comprehensive overview of the most modern surgical techniques in cranio-facial and skull base surger...

Good Luck Charlie
Good Luck Charlie
Jennifer E. Kramer

Rookie Reader titles feature full-color illustrations and engaging stories that always involve a young child figuring out concepts or solving problems on his or her own. Great for guided reading.

Atlas of Facial Implants
Atlas of Facial Implants
M. Yaremchuk

Authored by renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Yaremchuk, this new book presents both aesthetic and reconstructive applications of alloplastic implants for recontouring the craniofacial skeleton. In...

Atlas of Facial Nerve Surgery
Atlas of Facial Nerve Surgery
D.S. Grewal

Full color atlas with outstanding illustations and photos Bonus DVD with surgical videoclips Only book of its kind on the market Foreword by world famous otolaryngologist William F. House

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