
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "ja i papers", znaleziono 56

Freuds Technique Papers
Freuds Technique Papers
Steven Ellman

This book incorporates Freuds papers on psychoanalytic method alongside commentary on current perspectives of the material. The papers address the role of transference, dream interpretation, clinical ...

Writing Research Papers
Writing Research Papers
James Lester

The definitive research paper guide for your courses , Writing Research Papers combines a traditional and practical approach to the research process with the latest information on electronic research ...

The Aspern Papers
The Aspern Papers
Henry James

Pani Bordereau przechowuje w swoim domu bezcenny skarb - zbiór listów od amerykańskiego poety miłosnego. Różne postaci chcą od niej odkupić ten zbiór, będący jej pamiątką z czasów młodości.

Collected Papers v 2
Collected Papers v 2
R. Aumann

Robert Aumann's groundbreaking career in game theory has spanned over 35 years. These two volumes provide convenient access to all of his major research--from his doctoral dissertation in 1956 to pape...

Rockets Two Classic Papers
Rockets Two Classic Papers
R. Goddard

This book is comprised of two papers written by Robert Goddard for the Smithsonian Institution: "A Method of Reaching Extreme Altitudes" and "Liquid Propellant Rocket Development." Two of the most sig...

Papers in Experimental Economics
Papers in Experimental Economics
Vernon L. Smith

Professor Vernon L. Smith is a major creator of the new discipline of experimental economics. This collection of his papers from 1962 to 1990 surveys key developments in the field from early attempts ...

Privacy Papers Managing Technology
Privacy Papers Managing Technology
R. Herold

FeaturesDescribes technologies that increase the privacy of personal and organizational data and those that make it more vulnerableLists and summarizes major federal and international privacy legislat...

Max Planck: Annalen Papers
Max Planck: Annalen Papers
Dieter Hoffmann

This volume contains a collection of most notable original papers published in the journal 'Annalen der Physik' written by one of its renowned editors, Max Planck. These papers - reedited on the occas...

Collected Papers v 1
Collected Papers v 1
R. Aumann

Robert Aumann's groundbreaking career in game theory has spanned over 35 years. These two volumes provide convenient access to all of his major research--from his doctoral dissertation in 1956 to pape...

Landmark Papers in Yeast Biology
Landmark Papers in Yeast Biology
P. Linder

Yeast has been a preeminent experimental organism of genetic research for more than 50 years. Progress in the field has provided the conceptual framework that has driven experiments in many areas of b...

Private Papers of Eastern Jewel
2 wydania
Private Papers of Eastern Jewel
M. Lindley, Maureen Lindley

Trade paperback. Spanning three countries and a world war, this is a breathless journey of sexual manipulation and self discovery, based on the real life of Yoshiko Kawashima. Eastern Jewel is a Manch...

Landmark Papers on Trust 2 vols
Landmark Papers on Trust 2 vols
R. Bachmann

This important two-volume set presents the most influential papers published in the field of trust research since the early 1960s. It reflects the key ideas on trust which have developed in various di...

Conflict & International Order Adelphi Papers
Conflict & International Order Adelphi Papers

Complete set Since 1961 the Adelphi Papers have provided some of the most informed accounts of international and strategic relations. Produced by the world renowned International Institute of Strategi...

Landmark Papers in Clinical Chemistry
Landmark Papers in Clinical Chemistry
R. Rocco

This is the first major review of the developments in clinical laboratory science in the 20th century presented in the words of the original inventors and discoverers. Introductory comments by the edi...

FCE Practice Exam Papers 1
FCE Practice Exam Papers 1
Virginia Evans

The book is aimed at learners of the English language at CEF level B2 preparing for the Cambridge ESOL FCE examination or any other examinations at the same level of difficulty.

FCE Practice Exam Papers 2
FCE Practice Exam Papers 2
Virginia Evans

The book is aimed at learners of the English language at CEF level B2 preparing for the Cambridge ESOL FCE examination or any other examinations at the same level of difficulty.

Writing Research Papers in the Social Sciences
Writing Research Papers in the Social Sciences
James Lester

Using the same step-by-step guidance that made Writing Research Papers 11e the definitive research paper guide, this text will enable students in the social science disciplines and in some freshman co...

FCE Practice Exam Papers 1. Student's Book
FCE Practice Exam Papers 1. Student's Book
Virginia Evans

Practice Exam Papers for the Revised Cambridge FCE Examination 1-3 to seria składająca się z trzech podręczników zawierających testy, które umożliwiają systematyczne ćwiczenie i rozwijanie sprawności ...

FCE Practice Exam Papers 2. Student's Book
FCE Practice Exam Papers 2. Student's Book
Virginia Evans

Practice Exam Papers for the Revised Cambridge FCE Examination 1-3 to seria składająca się z trzech podręczników zawierających testy, które umożliwiają systematyczne ćwiczenie i rozwijanie sprawności ...

Further Academic Papers of Sir Hugh Lloyd-Jones
Further Academic Papers of Sir Hugh Lloyd-Jones
Hugh Lloyd-Jones

Sir Hugh Lloyd-Jones has a worldwide reputation as one of the foremost classical scholars of his generation. This collection of papers, which follows on from the two volumes published in 1990, reflect...

Landmark Papers in General Equilibrum Theory Social Change
Landmark Papers in General Equilibrum Theory Social Change
Kenneth Arrow

Kenneth Arrow and Gerard Debreu have throughout their careers continuously produced ideas at the very frontier of economics. Together, they have made unparalleled contributions on the properties of ge...

Manual for Writers of Term Papers Theses, & Dissertations
Manual for Writers of Term Papers Theses, & Dissertations
Kate Turabian

For close to 60 years, Kate L. Turabian's "Manual for Writers" has offered detailed guidance to authors of research papers - term papers, theses and dissertations. Now the editors of "The Chicago Manu...

MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers 7e
MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers 7e

This fourth edition of a publication based on the "MLA Style Sheet," begun more than 40 years ago, includes a great deal of information about using and citing electronic sources. Designed as a "compre...

Selected Statistical Papers of Sir David Cox 2 vols
Selected Statistical Papers of Sir David Cox 2 vols
D. Cox

Sir David Cox is one of the seminal statistical thinkers of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. In this selection of his work, Professor Cox reviews his most influential and interesting papers p...

Cambridge English Proficiency 1 Authentic examination papers with answers + 2CD
Cambridge English Proficiency 1 Authentic examination papers with answers + 2CD

Cambridge English Proficiency 1 for updated exam (commencing March 2013) contains four complete and authentic examination papers for Cambridge English Proficiency, also known as Cambridge Certificate ...

Cambridge English IELTS 12. General Training. Authentic examination papers with answers
Cambridge English IELTS 12. General Training. Authentic examination papers with answers

Cambridge IELTS 12 contains four authentic IELTS examination papers from Cambridge English Language Assessment, providing excellent exam practice. The Student's Book with answers allows students to fa...

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