
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "labour dla ii", znaleziono 38

Living Labour The Sociology of New
Living Labour The Sociology of New
J. Durand

This book is an important and original account of life in the new lean production workplace - the car industry where it all began. It brings together the two emblematic features of the twentieth centu...

Towards a Labour Market in China
Towards a Labour Market in China
John Knight

Combining remarkable economic transition and dynamic growth, China may well have the most fascinating economy in the world. Over the period of economic reform China has moved from an administered labo...

Best Practice in Labour and Delivery
Best Practice in Labour and Delivery
R. Warren

An understanding of when and how to intervene is the key to good obstetric care. This textbook is an encompassing reference covering all the essential information relating to childbirth; it offers cle...

Code of International Labour Law 3 vols
Code of International Labour Law 3 vols
N. Rubin

The Code of International Labour Law brings together for the first time in coherent sequence the entire range of materials relating to international labour law, as adopted by the International Labour ...

Regulating Labour in the Wake of Globalisation
Regulating Labour in the Wake of Globalisation
B. Bercusson

In recent decades, the prevailing response to the problem of unacceptable labour market outcomes in both Europe and North America - national regulation of labour standards and labour relations, couple...

History of British Labour Law 1867-1945
History of British Labour Law 1867-1945
Douglas Brodie

In the UK the received wisdom has tended to be that, historically, British labour law was abstentionist or non-interventionist, best epitomised by the words of Lord Wedderburn who has written that "co...

After New Labour Social Theory & Centre-Left Politics
After New Labour Social Theory & Centre-Left Politics
W. Leggett

What's Left after New Labour? This timely book assesses the legacy of both the Third Way and its critics. Analysing the relationship between social theory and political strategy, it outlines the basis...

The Legal Regulation of Pregnancy and Parenting in the Labour Market
The Legal Regulation of Pregnancy and Parenting in the Labour Market
Grace James

Why is the law failing to protect pregnant workers and parents from detrimental treatment in the workplace? This theoretically informed book, which draws on the findings of a large scale, Nuffield Fou...

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