
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "legg duty", znaleziono 4

Prawo zamówień publicznych. Legge sugli appalti pubblici e leggi correlate
Prawo zamówień publicznych. Legge sugli appalti pubblici e leggi correlate
Giulio Pinetti, Andrea Corbell, Joanna Lesiewska

Pierwsze wydanie włoskiego tłumaczenia polskiej ustawy Prawo zamówień publicznych, ukazujące się w zupełnie nowej serii tłumaczeń polskich ustaw na języki europejskie. Niekwestionowaną zaletą nowej pr...

Aliens: Steel Egg
Aliens: Steel Egg
John Shirley
Seria: Aliens Books

Someone on Earth knew about the aliens. Someone battled them, and survived. Before Ripley, there was a first encounter. Aliens and humans have fought before! When a human spaceship discovers a vast eg...

Treatment of Leg Veins
Treatment of Leg Veins
Tri H. Nguyen, Murad Alam

Introducing a new title in the Procedures in Cosmetic Dermatology Series! This lavishly illustrated reference provides practical guidance on the full range of procedures for the treatment of leg veins...

No Hand To Hold & No Legs To Dance On - A Thalidomide Survivor's Story - ebook
No Hand To Hold & No Legs To Dance On - A Thalidomide Survivor's Story - ebook
Gill Swain, Louise Medus

While the battle for the compensation of Thalidomide victims was raging in the 1970s, former Labour MP Jack Ashley asked in a parliamentary debate how Louise, then 11 years old, could look forward to ...

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