
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "lnie dogmas", znaleziono 7

Dialogue in Foreign Language Education
Dialogue in Foreign Language Education

Dialogue in foreign language education is a collection of studies that explore topics important in contemporary foreign language education, such as: academic discourse, intercultural communication, th...

Social Dialogue in Face of Changes on the Labour Market in Poland. From Crisis to Breakthrough
Social Dialogue in Face of Changes on the Labour Market in Poland. From Crisis to Breakthrough
Jacek Męcina

Poland has been building its market economy for slightly more than a quarter of a century and has been a member of the European Union for thirteen years. Currently, Poland can feel the results of the ...

La dynamique du systéme des pronoms personnels en moyen français. Example des textes de Christine de Pizan
La dynamique du systéme des pronoms personnels en moyen français. Example des textes de Christine de Pizan
Małgorzata Posturzyńska-Bosko

„Zawartości monografii dobrze odpowiada tytuł. Chodzi o naszkicowanie obrazu systemu zaimków osobowych takiego, jaki funkcjonował w średniofrancuskim i który znany jest w bardzo ogólnych zarysach. Odp...

Sky Burial: An Epic Love Story of Tibet
Sky Burial: An Epic Love Story of Tibet
Xue Xinran

Niezwykła książka autorstwa Xue Xinran zabiera czytelnika w samo serce jednego z najbardziej niesamowitych i niedostępnych krajów na świecie. Shu Wen i jej mąż byli małżeństwem zaledwie kilka miesięcy...

Schleiermacher & Whitehead Open Systems in Dialogue
Schleiermacher & Whitehead Open Systems in Dialogue
Marjorie Hewitt Suchocki

This collection of essays stages a dialogue between Friedrich Schleiermacher and Alfred North Whitehead on significant features of 'open' system. The volume offers new options for rehabilitating syste...

Sounding the Event Escapades in Dialogue & Matters of Art
Sounding the Event Escapades in Dialogue & Matters of Art
H. Lomax

What constitutes an event? Propelled by this question, Sounding the Event encounters a variety of theories and in sounding them out hears of a host of issues that have implications not only for concep...

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