Wybrane zagadnienia :- zaburzenia odżywiania- zaburzenia hormonalne i metaboliczne- choroby wątroby i dróg żółciowych- otolaryngologia - choroby ucha, nosa i gardła- choroby skóry- hematologia i onkol...
Ideal for radiology residents and technicians, this concise manual is the perfect introduction to the practice and interpretation of computed tomography. Designed as a systematic learning tool, it int...
Until now, the few existing systematic texts on construction materials have primarily been directed at building engineers. An overview for architects, which also considers the importance of constructi...
Ideal for radiology residents and technicians, this concise "workbook" is the perfect guide to the use of ultrasound scanners. Designed as a learning tool, it introduces the various applications of sc...
The birth of the legendary typefaceThe complete reproduction of Bodoni's rare masterworkCelebrated printer and type designer Giambattista Bodoni set the standardfor printing the alphabet with his Manu...
The Designer s Desktop Manual unravels the essential technical aspects of key areas of print- and screen-based design type and typography; colour; imaging; layout; and printing via step-by-step projec...
As the number of patients requiring venous access continues to grow rapidly, catheter placement procedures have become an integral part of every radiology department. This practical new book presents ...
This manual provides state of the art information for all those dealing with arthroscopic diagnosis and treatment. A standardized structure of the individual chapters facilitates the retrieval of info...
"An excellent guide for both novice and experienced underwater photographers."Amateur Photographer magzine, UK Diving is a popular hobby that attracts more enthusiasts every year, and many divers are ...
The Consumer Price Index, or CPI, measures the rate at which the prices of consumer goods and services are changing from month to month, or from quarter to quarter in some countries. It is a key stati...
Jeśli posługujesz się angielskim, bo prowadzisz międzynarodowy biznes, pracujesz w kancelarii prawnej albo korporacji, kup i wykorzystaj najważniejszą książkę ostatnich lat.THE LEGAL ENGLISH MANUAL to...
Jak wylądować bezpiecznie na planecie zwanej życiem Wyposażeni w genetyczny pakiet startowy ruszamy podbijać świat. Po sprawdzeniu prognozy pogody i skontrolowaniu naszej maszyny zajmujemy pas start...
This work will enable readers to undertake pre-project evaluations, especially in the areas of refining and petrochemistry. It covers market analysis, sizing and costing of equipment required for an i...
This book covers all aspects of whole document indexing of books, serial publications, images and sound materials. The book gives the purpose and principles of indexing, and covers areas such as manag...
In a global economy, the importance of education is now widely recognized. Furthermore, in the wake of international assessment studies, schools and kindergartens have become a focus of great public i...
This book focuses on the basic knowledge and the principles of fracture management, eg, biomechanics, tools for preoperative planning, soft-tissue management, different methods of reduction and fixati...
88 najczęściej występujących objawów u pacjentów. Alfabetyczny układ podręcznika zdecydowanie skraca czas potrzebny na znalezienie interesujących czytelnika informacji. Każdy z objawów opisany jest po...
1. Concept of Analysis: 2. State Properties of Soils: a. Particles Size Analysis b. Particle Density c. Bulk Density d. Determination of Physical Constants of Soil e. Aggregate Analysis f. Penetrabili...
Czy wiesz, że projektowanie skutecznych produktów cyfrowych, takich jak aplikacje, strony czy systemy, to znacznie więcej niż nadanie im ładnego wyglądu? O ich sukcesie przesądza równowaga między użyt...
Erbliche Stoffwechselkrankheiten werden zunehmend als klinisches Problem erkannt, sowohl in der Differentialdiagnose akut kranker Kinder als auch als Ursache chronischer Erkrankungen. Durch die groĂe ...
Podręcznik diagnostyki i terapii ma na celu dostarczanie zwięzłych, wyczerpujących i dokładnych informacji klinicznych przydatnych lekarzom praktykom wszystkich specjalności, studentom medycyny, młody...
The Concise Manual of Hematology and Oncology is a practice-oriented manual of medical oncology and hematology for day-to-day use in caring for patients hematologic and neoplastic diseases. It is foun...
"The Manual of Arthroscopic Surgery" provides the most up to date state of the art for all those dealing with arthroscopic diagnosis and treatment. This title includes a standardised structure of the ...
This interdisciplinary workbook will help students, interns, and physicians gain a fundamental grasp of color duplex ultrasound scanning. This new edition is updated with information on hepatic lesion...
This compendium begins by explaining the anatomical and physiological foundation as a theoretical structure to aid in understanding how the procedure works. However, the emphasis is on the practical u...
Medical practices are often at the forefront of new developments in design,as new projects keep pace with innovations in medical techniques. Hencethis timely title, which presents a wide range of mode...
Freedom from barriers makes possible an independent and self-determinedlifestyle, encouraging mobility and integration in the cohabitation of allgroups of people, including different agegroups. Approx...
Wersja podręcznika "Uczymy się polskiego" dla odbiorcy włoskiego. Tom 1 — 50 lekcji, teksty i dialogi ze słowniczkami, wiersze, dowcipy, pieśni i piosenki z nutami, indeks 2000 wyrazów. Podstawowe sł...
Photographic-based virtual reality is fast becoming one of the most exciting areas of the digital imaging world. No helmets, no gloves, the new techniques create fully immersive experiences in which t...
This all-inclusive guide to lighting for photographers is organized thematically by types of lighting and lighting technique, with practical and inspirational illustrations from popular subjects such ...