Po opuszczeniu bezpiecznych, lecz dusznych granic Baśniogrodu na rzecz okrutnych i dławiących marzenia ulic Hollywood, niezrównany Jack Horner (vel Jack B. Nimble, vel Jack Zabójca Olbrzymów, vel Jac...
Pierwszy z trzech tomów wydania zbiorczego spin-offu bestsellerowej serii Billa Willinghama – „Baśnie”. Po opuszczeniu bezpiecznych, lecz dusznych granic Baśniogrodu na rzecz okrutnych i dławiących m...
Batman. Superman. Wonder Woman. Green Lantern. Flash. Oto najwięksi bohaterowie na świecie, tworzący Amerykańską Ligę Sprawiedliwości. Ta drużyna walczyła z najstraszliwszymi zagrożeniami w galaktyce...
Your name is Angelo Mortalli. Your brother is trapped behind enemy lines and on the verge of - no. That's not right. Your name is Raymond Garrison. You've retired from the dangers of the field, but a ...
Out of the ashes of Harbinger Wars, Bloodshot is about to join the weaponized men and women of the Harbinger Active Resistance Division – the black budget, technologically augmented strike force where...
At long last, a deluxe hardcover of the Eisner and Hugo Award-winning SAGA is finally here! Collecting the first 18 issues of the smash-hit series, this massive edition features a striking new cover, ...
At long last, it’s finally time for the second hardcover collection of SAGA, the New York Times best-selling series praised by everyone from Alan Moore to Lin-Manuel Miranda! Created by the multiple E...
While investigating a vehicle collision, Officer Yang Seungbae discovers dashcam footage that plays into his suspicions about Oh Sangwoo. What will happen when he follows the evidence to Sangwoo’s hom...
The first hardcover collection of the best-selling, Eisner Award-winning series from writer Brian Azzarello and artist Eduardo Risso. The first hardcover collection of the best-selling graphic novels ...
In the second hardcover collection of the acclaimed, award-winning 100 BULLETS, Agent Graves continues to offer immunity to everyday people to carry out their innermost desires of vengeance with the 1...
The third deluxe hardcover edition of the best-selling graphic novels series 100 Bullets written by Brian Azzarello and illustrated by Eduardo Risso. This dark and intriguing Eisner Award-winning seri...
The fourth deluxe hardcover edition of the best-selling graphic novels series 100 Bullets written by Brian Azzarello and illustrated by Eduardo Risso. This dark and intriguing Eisner Award-winning ser...
The fifth deluxe hardcover edition of the best-selling graphic novels series 100 Bullets written by Brian Azzarello and illustrated by Eduardo Risso. This dark and intriguing Eisner Award-winning seri...
Bill Willingham's hit series FABLES continues here, as issues #28-33 are collected for the first time in hardcover, along with the original graphic novel FABLES: 1001 NIGHTS OF SNOWFALL.
Imagine that all the characters from the world's most beloved storybooks were real - real, and living among us, with all their powers intact. How would they cope with life in our mundane, un-magical r...
Acclaimed by critics and readers alike, these modern classics of comic books storytelling are now collected for the first time in a series of beautiful hardcover volumes. Fables: The Deluxe Edition Bo...
The time has come for hybrid animal-boy Gus and Jeppard to learn the answers they’ve been searching for. But they’re not the only ones looking for the truth behind the plague. The evil man called Abbo...
This is a great deluxe, single-volume Encyclopedic Edition. A 1,946-page volume that is a complete quick-reference library. Encyclopedic Dictionary contains over 175,000 entries and over 2000illustrat...
This is a special deluxe edition with leather binding! Medicine is ever changing, and its terminology evolves constantly. If you're involved in health care in any way, you need to know the latest medi...