In this masterpiece, the renowned chemistry Nobel Laureate, George A. Olah and his colleagues discuss in a clear and readily accessible manner the use of methanol as a viable alternative to our dimini...
Rok 1979. Osiemnastoletni Hugh Thomson leci do Meksyku. Jest z dala od domu, ma dużo czasu, ale niewiele gotówki. Od poznanego w samolocie towarzysza podróży dowiaduje się, że można sporo zarobić, je...
Whether your preferred medium is canvas or paper, wood or stone, this reasonably priced series of books for beginners demonstrates fascinating drawing, painting and design techniques for a variety of ...
Kolejny poranek, dzień przed bitwą. I znów. I jeszcze jeden... W niedalekiej przyszłości ludzkość musi stawić czoła inwazji śmiertelnie niebezpiecznych mimików. Keiji Kiriya, młody, niedoświadczony żo...
Na wyspie Kotoiushi Keiji Kiriya toczy niekończącą się walkę z mimikami. Na skutek wpadnięcia w pętlę czasową za każdym razem, gdy ginie, wraca do tego samego punktu w czasie. Czy Rita Vrataski, zapra...
The author, head of well completion and servicing training at ENSPM Formation Industrie and professor at IFP school, offers a technical guide to well completion, from drilling in the pay zone to produ...
Based on a well tried-and-tested lecture at the Russian State University of Oil and Gas, this accessible approach to the theory of pipeline transportation provides systematic coverage of various kinds...
Molecular simulation is an emerging technology for determining the properties of many systems that are of interest to the oil and gas industry, and more generally to the chemical industry. Based on a ...
Describes and assesses the current status of technologies and environmental information associated with the waste oil industry. Examines the sources, properties, and availability of waste oil as well ...
When the alien Mimics invade, Keiji Kiriya is just one of many recruits shoved into a suit of battle armor called a Jacket and sent out to kill. Keiji dies on the battlefield, only to be reborn each m...
Russia has come to the forefront of hopes for increasing world oil supplies and abating historically high prices. While increases over the 8.4 million barrels of oil per day produced in 2003 can be ex...
This new title presents key information on the oil industry world-wide, and will be of interest to anyone involved in or studying oil production, processing and selling. Oil has long been at the foref...
This book investigates the causes, course and consequences of the shift in West German chemical technology from a coal to a petroleum basis between 1945 and 1961. It examines the historical underpinni...
An exploration of the social and environmental consequences of oil extraction in the tropical rainforest. Using northern Veracruz as a case study, the author argues that oil production generated major...
Written by leading experts, this book reviews the current research evidence for the health benefits of a diet rich in olive oil. It focuses on the role of olive oil in reducing the incidence of certai...
This paper discusses macroeconomic and governance issues in relation to oil sector policies in oil-producing countries in sub-Saharan Africa (Angola, Cameroon, the Republic of Congo, Equatorial Guinea...
The chief concern of the oil industry in the first two decades of the 21st century will not be its availability but its acceptability. Having dominated the 20th century, playing a crucial role in indu...
Winning the Oil Endgame shows how a country can eliminate its need for oil over the next few decades. Advanced energy efficiency and alternative fuels, such as modern biofuels and saved natural gas, a...
Cultivation of olives in semi-arid environments poses specific challenges and concerns. From selecting the most appropriate variety with which to start, to understanding and exploiting the impact of v...
As the demand for oil and natural gas continues to increase, accurate forecasting of future production capabilities becomes increasingly important - and remains disturbingly out of reach. Though oil r...
This book discusses the progress that is being made through innovations in instrumental measurements of geologic and geochemical systems and their study using modern mathematical modeling. It covers t...
The problem of removing water which is emulsified with produced oil has grown more widespread and often times more difficult as producers attempt to access more difficult reserves. This practical guid...
Sinclair's 1927 novel did for California's oil industry what The Jungle did for Chicago's meat-packing factories. The plot follows the clash between an oil developer and his son. Typical of Sinclair, ...
Oil, Dollars, Debt, and Crises studies the causes of the current oil and global financial crisis and shows how America's and the world's growing dependence on oil has created a repeating pattern of ba...
Sinclair's 1927 novel did for California's oil industry what "The Jungle" did for Chicago's meat-packing factories. In "Oil!" Upton Sinclair fashioned a novel out of the oil scandals of the Harding ad...
This title reviews different international conventions, US laws, and policy considerations, discusses regulatory strategies, and helps promote the use of better science, engineering, technology and po...
Oil is hitting the headlines once again. The big increases in oil prices over the past two years are upsetting consumers and puzzling producers. The reasons are difficult to understand, since few peop...
Is the world running out of oil? This book analyzes predictions of global oil depletion in the context of science, history, and economics. There has been continuing alarm about the imminent exhaustion...
Were the energy concerns of the past year a preview of everyone's future? Will gas lines in the coming years make those of 1973 look short? Is the present chaos in oil prices the leading edge of a mor...
Well Testing is recognised by many operating oil and gas companies to be the most hazardous operation they routinely undertake. Therefore, it is of great importance that such operations are extremely ...