
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "policy", znaleziono 286

Rupert Butler

Opisane w przystępny sposób, przejrzyście zredagowane dzieje gestapo: Tajnej Policji Państwowej, utworzonej przez Hermanna Göringa w 1933 roku i uznanej za organizację przestępczą podczas procesu w No...

Lek na całe zło. Opiekun i stażystka
2 wydania
Lek na całe zło. Opiekun i stażystka
Lucy Clark, Laura MacDonald

Lucy Clark - Lek na całe zło Między Jess, a Tomem od pierwszej chwili pojawia się napięcie. Coś ich przyciąga do siebie i jednocześnie odpycha. Dla Toma, który wychowywał się w domach dziecka, rodzina...

Koniec wielkiego mitu
Koniec wielkiego mitu
Thomas Aubrey

Jest to kolejny tytuł, po Inwestowanie w jednej lekcji oraz Austriacka Szkoła Ekonomii dla inwestorów – obie Marka Skousena, Giełda, kredyt, kapitał – Fritza Machlupa, wprowadzający nas w świat rynku ...

Tokyo Vice. Sekrety japońskiego półświatka.
Tokyo Vice. Sekrety japońskiego półświatka.
Jake Adelstein

Jake Adelstein jest jedynym amerykańskim dziennikarzem śledczym, który został dopuszczony do tajemnic japońskiego świata przestępczego. Przez dwanaście lat pisał o ciemnej stronie Japonii: morderstwa...

Stając się sobą. Pamiętnik psychiatry
2 wydania
Stając się sobą. Pamiętnik psychiatry
Irvin David Yalom

Stając się sobą to autobiografia Irvina D. Yaloma, emerytowanego profesora psychiatrii kalifornijskiego Uniwersytetu Stanforda. Słynny psychoterapeuta o ogromnym doświadczeniu zawodowym i talencie pis...

Zwykli ludzie
3 wydania
Zwykli ludzie
Christopher R. Browning

Zwykli ludzie to prawdziwa historia niemieckiego 101. Rezerwowego Batalionu Policji, którego członkowie odpowiadali za prowadzone w 1942 roku na terenie okupowanej Polski łapanki, deportacje do obozó...

Environmental Policy
Environmental Policy
Norman Vig

Scholars of environmental policy, policy in general, and political science examine some of the most important developments in environmental policy and politics since the 1960s and central issues of to...

Police Innovation
Police Innovation
Anthony A. Braga

Over the last three decades American policing has gone through a period of significant change and innovation. In what is a relatively short historical time frame the police began to reconsider their f...

Community Policy
Community Policy
S. Deller

With the shifting of responsibility for designing, planning and managing federally funded programs to state and local government, there is a need for a new group of public servants and others to be aw...

Sport Policy
Sport Policy
N. Bergsgard

"Sport Policy: a comparative analysis of stability and change" builds on the growing general interest in the comparative study of sport policy and the more specific interest in processes of policy cha...

Health Policy
Iain Crinson

This textbook provides a critical assessment of developments in health and healthcare policy within the UK and Europe. Each chapter integrates conceptual themes drawn from the fields of sociology and ...

Social Policy
Social Policy
H. Bochel

The thoroughly revised and extended new edition of Social Policy: Issues and Developments provides a comprehensive introduction to contemporary British social policy, whilst acting as a complete lea...

Police Corruption
Police Corruption
T. Prenzler

Designed for administrators at all levels, this book presents proven strategies to prevent police corruption and to maintain an ethical culture in policing. Written by a leading international authorit...

Economic Policy
Economic Policy
G. De Menil

Economic Policy has earned a reputation around the world as the one publication that always identifies current and emerging policy topics early. It discusses key international issues when they matter ...

Group Policy
Group Policy
J. Moskowitz

Streamline Windows Server management by grouping policy settings to monitor and regulate users and the network's computers. Revised and updated to include Windows Server 2008 and Vista, "Group Policy:...

Public Policy
Public Policy
M. Kraft

For students beginning a study of political science, Kraft and Furlong (both political science, U. of Wisconsin-Green Bay) provide an introduction to how public policy is made. For students who will n...

Globalisation Policy Transfer & Policy Research Institutes
Globalisation Policy Transfer & Policy Research Institutes
Stella Ladi

'Stella Ladi has taken on a daunting set of challenges: a comparative study of policy transfer; a study of the role of think tanks in the transfer process; and the relevance of Europeanisation to shap...

Yearbook of Polish Foreign Policy 2006
Yearbook of Polish Foreign Policy 2006

After a break of ten years, the Yearbook of Polish Foreign Policy has been published again by the Polish Institute of International Affairs (PIIA). This is the way it should have been for this whole t...

Financing Social Policy
Financing Social Policy
K. Hujo

Moving beyond the 'post-Washington consensus', this book shifts the focus of development policy debates away from expenditures and austerity and towards revenues and resources. The book explores the p...

Chinese Security Policy
Chinese Security Policy
R. Ross

This volume provides a coherent and comprehensive overview of Chinese security policy, comprising essays written by one of America's leading scholars.

American Foreign Policy
2 wydania
American Foreign Policy
Glenn Hastedt, Glenn Hastedt

For courses in upper-level American Foreign Policy.This text brings together 3 key elements for both students and professors. It provides an overview of the historical information to make sense of cur...

Macroeconomics Principles & Policy
Macroeconomics Principles & Policy
William Baumol

A shorter text drawn from the Macroeconomics section of "Economics 7/e".

Statistics & Public Policy
Statistics & Public Policy
Bruce D. Spencer

Statistics--data, methods, and thinking--play important and fascinating roles in public issues. Yet, these roles are sometimes unknown to statistics students and even professional statisticians. This ...

Women's Police Stations
Women's Police Stations
Santos MacDowell

Women's Police Stations examines the changing and complex relationship between women and the state, and the construction of gendered citizenship, using women's police stations in Sao Paulo. These are ...

Rethinking Cultural Policy
Rethinking Cultural Policy
J. Mc Guigan

Rethinking Cultural Policy addresses issues concerning culture, economy and power in the age of new-liberal globalization. It examines how public cultural policies have been rationalized in the past a...

Drugs Policy & Politics
Drugs Policy & Politics
P. Higate

Drugs: Policy and Politics is an accessible introduction to the links between drugs and social policy. Assessing current and recent policies and political responses, it considers the ways in which dru...

Making Health Policy
Making Health Policy
K. Buse

Surprisingly little guidance is available to public health practitioners who wish to understand how issues get onto policy agendas, how policy makers treat evidence and why some policy initiatives are...

Environmental Health Policy
Environmental Health Policy
Megan Landon

This book considers the key threats to human health from the physical environment and the policies that might be pursued to minimise those risks. It covers how risks can be identified and quantified a...

Regional Monetary Policy
Regional Monetary Policy
C. Fuentes

With the final phase of the European Monetary Union underway, concern has been raised over the regional implications of the European Central Bank (ECB) Monetary Policy. Departing from the standard app...

Monetary Policy & Unemployment
Monetary Policy & Unemployment
W. Semmler

This book pulls together papers presented at a conference in honour of the 1981 Nobel Prize Winner for Economic Science, the late James Tobin. Among the contributors are Olivier Blanchard, Edmund Phel...

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