
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "rae jednak", znaleziono 49

Powrót do źródeł. Układ słoneczny
Powrót do źródeł. Układ słoneczny
Anne Mc Rae, Marco Nardi

Jak wygląda nasz układ słoneczny? Ile planet krąży wokół Słońca? Którą z nich naukowcy nazywają Czerwoną Planetą? Chcesz zostać kosmicznym zwiadowcą? Koniecznie musisz sięgnąć po tę książkę, aby znale...

Postawy ekonomiczne w czasach niepewności
Postawy ekonomiczne w czasach niepewności
Krzysztof Zagórski, Andrzej K. Koźmiński, Witold Morawski, Katarzyna Piotrowska ...

Postawy ekonomiczne w czasach niepewności to książka niezwykle ważna zarówno ze względu na problematykę, jak i podejście naukowe. Problematyka jest nie tylko aktualna ? jak Polacy reagują na kryzys ? ...

Star Wars: Z pewnego punktu widzenia. 40 opowiadań na 40-lecie Nowej Nadziei
2 wydania
Star Wars: Z pewnego punktu widzenia. 40 opowiadań na 40-lecie Nowej Nadziei
Ben Acker, Renée Ahdieh, Tom Angleberger, Ben Blacker ...
Cykl: Star Wars: Z pewnego punktu widzenia, tom 1
Serie: Kanon Star Wars [Olesiejuk], Star Wars Powieści

(Wydanie I, Wydawnictwo Olesiejuk, Ożarów Mazowiecki, 2023) "Star Wars: Z pewnego punktu widzenia. 40 opowiadań na 40-lecie Nowej Nadziei" - Czterdzieści lat, czterdzieści opowiadań. 25 maja 1977 r...

When Summer Ends
When Summer Ends
Isabelle Rae

Chloe Henderson nigdy nie była tą, która łamała zasady czy przekraczała granice... ale podczas jej letniej przerwy ona i jej przyjaciele użyli swoich fałszywych dowodów, by dostać się do klubu. To tam...

Overseas Chinese in South East Asia
Overseas Chinese in South East Asia
I. Rae

Studies of business in China often focus on the People's Republic of China as it continues its slow progress towards becoming an economic superpower. But the 60 million Chinese who live outside of Chi...

Choose Wonder Over Worry
Choose Wonder Over Worry
Amber Rae

From the powerhouse Mind Body Green calls 'the Brené Brown of Wonder' comes a self-help book that will reframe the way we look at ourselves and the world, and help us reach our full potential. 'Ambe...

4 wydania
Leslie Rae

SUPERVISION: Key Link to Productivity by Rue and Byars is a solid text written for student appeal in terms of its approach and readability. The Ninth Edition retains its accessible writing style. The ...

Poland is Return To Capitalism
Poland is Return To Capitalism
G. Rae

As the largest and most strategically important country in Central-Eastern Europe, Polands transformation from socialism to capitalism has brought with it immense political changes. Poland was the fir...

Good Choices
Good Choices
T. Rae

..and teachers, parents and carers worry that the decisions that children and young people make might be unwise or dangerous. Decision making is a skill involving both a cognitive and an affective pro...

Developing Emotional Literacy with Teenage Girls
Developing Emotional Literacy with Teenage Girls
T. Rae

`I personally trialled the introductory chapter with a new Year 7 class and found it a valuable opportunity to discuss group dynamics and establish a set of guidelines known as 'Girl's World Group Rul...

Tattooed Emotions
Tattooed Emotions
Alicia Rae
Cykl: Tattooed, tom 1

Book One in the Tattooed Series, releasing September 17th, 2015 Raelyn Jennings has survived the unthinkable. She’s been given a second chance to live, to breathe, to feel. Her ability to overcome su...

Tattooed Scars
Tattooed Scars
Alicia Rae
Cykl: Tattooed, tom 2

Raelyn Jennings knows one thing for certain. She loves Damien Heathman with every fiber of her being. A life without him wouldn’t be one worth living. Damien has never loved a single soul—until Raely...

Into the Bright Unknown
Into the Bright Unknown
Rae Carson
Cykl: Złotowidząca, tom 3

The stunning conclusion to Rae Carson’s New York Times–bestselling Gold Seer trilogy Leah Westfall’s journey has been one of ever-present peril, hidden magic, harsh realities, loss, life, determinati...

Astrology For Dummies, 2nd Edition
Astrology For Dummies, 2nd Edition
Rae Orion
Seria: For Dummies

Learn how to get your precise horoscope, decipher astrological symbols, and benefit from the phases of the moon with Astrology for Dummies, Second Edition. You’ll learn how to construct your birth cha...

The Portal Opens
The Portal Opens
C.C. Rae
Cykl: Hidden Magic (C.C. Rae), tom 1

When Raiden Aldor Cael accidentally runs through a portal and causes his world to crash with Nicole Jameson’s, her life as a high school senior and his life of solitude intertwine to become a whirlw...

Lost Prophecy: Realm of Secrets
Lost Prophecy: Realm of Secrets
C.C. Rae
Cykl: Hidden Magic (C.C. Rae), tom 2

It’s been a week since Raiden Cael ran through a portal and straight into Nicole Jameson’s life. Now she lives on the run, and every hour that passes means a portal might open that allows her enemie...

Dragon King : Ruler of the Realm
Dragon King : Ruler of the Realm
C.C. Rae
Cykl: Hidden Magic (C.C. Rae), tom 3

The Council is dead. The Courts have fallen. But the fight is far from over. With the keys to the realm around their necks, Nicole and Raiden hardly have the chance to breathe before the role of King...

Routledge Guide To Modern English Writing
Routledge Guide To Modern English Writing
J. Mc Rae

In 1963 President John F. Kennedy was shot, Sylvia Plath published The Bell Jar, and the Beatles were in their prime. This was a changing world, which British and Irish writers both contributed to and...

The Summer I Became a Nerd
The Summer I Became a Nerd
Leah Rae Miller
Cykl: Nerd, tom 1

On the outside, seventeen-year-old Madelyne Summers looks like your typical blond cheerleader—perky, popular, and dating the star quarterback. But inside, Maddie spends more time agonizing over what w...

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