
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "raine jako", znaleziono 18

Opowieść Rainy
Opowieść Rainy
Lurlene McDaniel

Przyjaciółki uznały pracę w szpitalu za tak satysfakcjonującą, żepostanowiły pomagać tam przez cały ostatni rok w szkole. Raina nie może się doczekać, kiedy zacznie spędzać więcej czasu ze swoim chłop...

Deszczowy koń
2 wydania
Deszczowy koń
Ted Hughes
Seria: Fantastyka i Groza

(...) Mimo różnorodnej tematyki prawie we wszystkich opowiadaniach przejawia się wspólny problem: przeciwstawienie bezwzględnej samotności człowieka potężnym, bezosobowym siłom przyrody. Wszystkie now...

Raine Miller

Pierwsza część bestsellerowej trylogii Oblicza Blackstone`a. Naga to pikantna historia spotkania pięknej kobiety skrywającej mroczne tajemnice z mężczyzną tak silnym, że zawładnął jej ciałem, sercem i...

Między pesymizmem a optymizmem. Szczęście w rozumie
Między pesymizmem a optymizmem. Szczęście w rozumie
Elaine Fox
Seria: Pytajniki

Zwykło się mawiać, że optymista i pesymista żyją tak samo długo, tylko optymista trochę weselej. Czy można przeprogramować mózg, tak by zmienić siebie i swój sposób postrzegania świata? Zadanie to z ...

Literatura na świecie nr 3/1989 (212)
Literatura na świecie nr 3/1989 (212)
Yukio Mishima, Edmund Husserl, Craig Raine, Mikołaj Melanowicz ...
Seria: Literatura na świecie

Numer poświęcony w większości literaturze japońskiej. Znajdują się tu teksty: 1.Mikołaj Melanowicz: Yukio Mishima - Madame de Sade: między iluzją a rzeczywistością 2.Yukio Mishima - Madame de Sade (d...

Surviving Raine
Surviving Raine
Shay Savage
Cykl: Surviving Raine, tom 1

As the captain of a schooner catering to the elite on the Caribbean Seas, Sebastian Stark does his best to avoid any human encounters. Interacting with people isn’t his thing, and he prefers the compa...

Devouring Raine
Devouring Raine
Zoey Derrick
Cykl: 69 Bottles, tom 5

Loving someone means you give them your heart, your soul and everything in between. For 69 Bottles Drummer, Dex Harris, life has always been about taking what he wants from women and walking away, th...

Raine Falling
Raine Falling
Paula Marinaro
Cykl: Hells Saints Motorcycle Club, tom 1

After a lifetime of uncertainty, Raine Winston shouldn’t be fazed by anything anymore. But she’s terrified. Terrified that her wayward sister, Claire, has gotten into debt dangerously over her head. T...

Raine on Me
Raine on Me
Laurann Dohner
Cykl: Riding the Raines, tom 2

Brit wants to get on with her life and leave her rough past far behind. Most of the cowboys who end up in her care are cranky old ex-rodeo stars. But not the new guy. He’s a tall, mouthwatering hunk w...

Rainy Day Book
Rainy Day Book
Jane Bull

This latest book from Jane Bull is the ultimate indoor adventure for kids this summer holiday! You are guaranteed to banish boredom on a dull day with this action packed activity book. Packed full of ...

Propositioning Mr. Raine
Propositioning Mr. Raine
Laurann Dohner
Cykl: Riding the Raines, tom 1

Trina Mattews lost her husband of sixteen years to a tragic accident. Starting her life over in the small town of Hailey, Texas, at the age of thirty-eight sounded like a good idea but she never count...

Clifford Rainy Day Games
Clifford Rainy Day Games
Marcie Aboff

It's raining outside - but that doesn't stop Emily and Clifford from having lots of indoor fun with their friends! These coloring pages and activities are filled with ideas and games for keeping busy ...

Rainy Day Activity Book
Rainy Day Activity Book

Rainy Day Activity Book

Spot`s Rainy Day Sticker Book
Spot`s Rainy Day Sticker Book

On rainy days Spot and his friends always have lots to do. Every day is a play day, and there are brightly coloured stickers of all shapes and sizes for Spot fans to place on every page.

Rainy Day Things to do With Your Kids
Rainy Day Things to do With Your Kids
Faun Harkin

Your little ones have watched every last Thomas the Tank Engine adventure and are now munching their way through the playdough. Before you resort to naughty corners, find rainy day refuge in this hand...

100 Cases in Paediatrics
100 Cases in Paediatrics
J. Raine

The 100 Cases series provides a novel learning and revision tool that works by guiding the reader through each clinical case in a highly structured manner. Each scenario provides details of the patien...

Very British Problems
Very British Problems
Rob Temple

Doctors have also reported several cases of unnecessary apologising and an obsessive interest in correct queuing etiquette. If you have experienced any of these symptoms, you may be suffering from VE...

Black Holes
2 wydania
Black Holes
D. Raine, R. Derek

This introduction to the fascinating subject of black holes fills a significant gap in the literature which exists between popular, non-mathematical expositions and advanced textbooks at the research ...

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