
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "sa do soar", znaleziono 78

As Many Nows as I Can Get
As Many Nows as I Can Get
Shana Youngdahl

A timely, searing, and unconventional romance from an urgent new voice in young adult fiction In one impulsive moment the summer before they leave for college, overachievers Scarlett and David plunge...


Delightful rhyme and engaging illustrations help babies and toddlers discover their bodies as they mirror the antics of Baby da Vinci and friends, who search for their ten fingers, toes, eyes, and nos...

Ashita wa Docchi da! #1
Ashita wa Docchi da! #1
Kotetsuko Yamamoto
Cykl: Ashita wa Docchi da!, tom 1

おとぼけで明るいママのもと、美少女のように育てられた星が 町内美少女コンテストで優勝した年、 土佐山田京一、顕の兄弟が隣に引っ越してきた。 男らしい見た目に、無愛想で喧嘩の強いふたりは、星の憧れそのものだった。 それから数年──。 土佐山田兄弟は、狂犬兄弟として有名になり、 星は男らしく、男くさくという本人の希望に反して、 華麗な美少年に成長していた…… 無愛想で無口な顕と、意地っ張りな星の恋が始...

Ashita wa Docchi da! #2
Ashita wa Docchi da! #2
Kotetsuko Yamamoto
Cykl: Ashita wa Docchi da!, tom 2

男らしいことに大きな憧れを持ちながらも、美少年ヤンキーに成長した星。 美貌にはますます磨きがかかるものの、本人は相変わらず、その自覚はない。 隣に住む土佐山田家の狂犬兄弟の弟・顕に恋心を抱いていたが、 ホモ嫌いの顕に気持ちがばれないよう必死だ。 それなのに、キスされて!!? 無愛想で無口な顕と、意地っ張りな星。 ふたりの恋はますますこじれて★

Ashita wa Docchi da! #3
Ashita wa Docchi da! #3
Kotetsuko Yamamoto
Cykl: Ashita wa Docchi da!, tom 3

男らしくあることに青春を捧げるものの、 ますます美貌に磨きがかかり、 美少年ヤンキーとして高校生活を送っている星。 ノーマルなクラスメイトさえ惑わしながら、 本人に自覚はなく、隣に暮らす 幼なじみの顕に片思いをしている。 でも、顕は俺を好きじゃない── わかっているけど、好きじゃないのに、 ホモ嫌いなのに、なんで何度もキスしてくるんだ? 顕の幼なじみの塙も乱入してきて、 星の恋はますますカオスに!...

Ashita wa Docchi da! #4
Ashita wa Docchi da! #4
Kotetsuko Yamamoto
Cykl: Ashita wa Docchi da!, tom 4

男の子なのに幼い頃は美少女コンテストで優勝し、 成長した今も美貌に磨きがかがる美少年ヤンキー・星。 隣に暮らす幼なじみの顕とは何度かキスも、 触られたりもしちゃってるけど、相変わらず絶賛片思い中……。 うまくいきそうでうまくいかない、そんなある日、 チャラい他校生・皇に一目惚れされた星は 「俺とつき合ってくんない?」と告白されて!? 顕の隠れジェラシー爆発!!? こじれにこじれた両片思いが、つ・い...

Sold as a Slave
Sold as a Slave
Equiano Olauddah
Seria: Penguin Great Journeys

In an adventurous and extraordinary life, Equiano criss-crossed the Atlantic world, from West Africa to the Caribbean to the USA to Britain, either as a slave or fighting with the Royal Navy. His acco...

Red SAM The SA-2 Guideline Anti-Aircraft Missile (N.V.#134)
Red SAM The SA-2 Guideline Anti-Aircraft Missile (N.V.#134)

The Russian SA-2, nicknamed "Red SAM",is history's dominant antiaircraft missile. In 1960, it famously downed Gary Powers' U-2 spyplane, and two years later it was one of the missiles deployed during ...

As I Crossed a Bridge of Dreams
As I Crossed a Bridge of Dreams

As I Crossed a Bridge of Dreams is a unique autobiography in which the anonymous writer known as Lady Sarashina intersperses personal reflections, anecdotes and lyrical poems with accounts of her tra...

Axioeventism as a Philosophical Concept of Everything
Axioeventism as a Philosophical Concept of Everything
Władysław W. Skarbek

Axioeventism is a philosophical position that involves three main assumptions. Firstly, it embraces the concept of Total Reality (TR), which encompasses the Ontic Universum (OU) and the Reality of Ab...

Quiet as a nun
Quiet as a nun
Antonia Fraser

A jemima shore mystery.

Hydrogen as a Fuel
Hydrogen as a Fuel
R. Cammack

Recently there has been a widespread resurgence of interest in the applications of hydrogen as a "clean fuel" with its potential for local electricity production and use in transport. The last five ye...

B as in beauty
B as in beauty
Alberto Ferreras

In the spirit of Jennifer Weiner's Good in Bed and Liza Palmer's Conversations with the Fat Girl, debut novelist Alberto Ferreras shares the story of Beauty Maria Zavala, a young New Yorker unable to ...

Trigun Maximum Volume 3: His Life As A...
Trigun Maximum Volume 3: His Life As A...
Yasuhiro Nightow
Cykl: Trigun Maximum, tom 3

Trigun Maximum Volume 3 is intensity embodied-a front to back fight! Vash the Stampede and the mysterious Wolfwood versus the terribly resilient Gray the Ninelives and one of Yasuhiro Nightow's most c...

Gap Papa: Daddy at Work and at Home Vol. 1
Gap Papa: Daddy at Work and at Home Vol. 1

This charming, full-color story about a devoted family man began as a popular webcomic! His colleagues at work see him as handsome, cool, and distant…but the moment he’s back home, this frosty-lookin...

Metaphysics As a Guide to Morals
Metaphysics As a Guide to Morals
Iris Murdoch

'Iris Murdoch has written a book which concerns all of us as human beings-There are pages here that one wants to embrace her for, pages that say things of fundamental human importance in a way that th...

Alumina as a Ceramic Material
Alumina as a Ceramic Material
W. Gitzen

This classic review of alumina, covering every aspect of the material from mineral structure and composition to inherent properties, offers a myriad of applications. This book is a timeless reference ...

British as a Second Language
2 wydania
British as a Second Language
David Bennun

David Bennun had lived in Africa his whole life. At the age of 18, he came to Britain, the mother country--the country he had read about and seen in films. Would it be the noble, educated, admirable U...

Law as a Moral Idea
Law as a Moral Idea
N. Simmonds

This book argues that the institutions of law and the structures of legal thought are best understood by referencing the moral ideals of freedom and independence from the power of others. In making th...

EU as a Global Player
EU as a Global Player
F. Siderbaum

A new look at the European Union's role as a global actor, with special focus on the theme of interregionalism in its relations with key regions around the world: Africa, Asia, South America, North Am...

English as a Global Language
English as a Global Language
David Crystal

David Crystal, world authority on the English language, presents a lively and factual account of the rise of English as a global language and explores the whys and wherefores of the history, current s...

Firm as a Collaborative Community
Firm as a Collaborative Community
Charles Heckscher

This volume explores the changing nature of community in modern corporations. Community within and between firms-the fabric of trust so essential to contemporary business-has long been based on loyalt...

Trading Options as a Professional
Trading Options as a Professional
James B. Bittman

This new book takes a comprehensive look at manufacturing, planning and control from the manufacturing companys accredited programmes.

My Life as a Traitor
My Life as a Traitor
R. Hilman

It was part youthful zeal and part teen crush that led Zarah Ghahramani to join a student protest movement. But dabbling in student politics was to lead to disaster when one day she was bundled into a...

Kieli (novel) vol. 7: As the Deep Ravine's Wind Howls
Kieli (novel) vol. 7: As the Deep Ravine's Wind Howls
Yukako Kabei
Cykl: Kieli, tom 7

When the Corporal's wires get crossed and his memory begins to fail, Harvey and Kieli are forced to temporarily set aside their search for Beatrix to scout for pre-War parts for their afflicted comrad...

Edexcel AS & A Level Statistics 1
Edexcel AS & A Level Statistics 1
G. Attwood

A syllabus-specific textbook providing worked examples, exam-level questions and many practice exercises, in accordance to the new Edexcel AS and Advanced GCE specification.

Sociology as Applied to Medicine 5/e
Sociology as Applied to Medicine 5/e
G. Scambler

Concise, introductory text to the sociology of health, illness, and health policy. For medical students, health professionals, and social science undergraduates. Emphasis on practical issues.

How to Make Money as a Mediator
How to Make Money as a Mediator
J. Krivis

How to Make Money as a Mediator (and Create Value for Everyone) is an invaluable and inspirational resource filled with practical, proven, and down-to-earth information on how you can develop a satisf...

B-2a Spirit Units in Combat
B-2a Spirit Units in Combat
T. Withington

The B-2A 'Spirit' was an aircraft conceived to fight the Cold War but which has proved invaluable to both the 'New World Order' and more recently the 'War on Terrorism'. The combination of low-observa...

European Union as a Global Actor
European Union as a Global Actor
Charlotte Bretherton

This book examines the emergence, role and future of the EU as an actor in world politics. It looks at the core areas of European foreign policy: economy; trade; the environment; development; common f...

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