
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "san sas", znaleziono 44

Słownik gwar Lubelszczyzny. Tom IV: Sad i ogród warzywny
Słownik gwar Lubelszczyzny. Tom IV: Sad i ogród warzywny
Halina Pelcowa

Jest to kolejna część słownika regionalnego, łączącego wymogi leksykonu wewnątrzdialektalnego i międzydialektalnego, ze wspólnym modelem hasła słownikowego i sposobem wykorzystania wypowiedzi gwarowyc...

Sad inny niż wszystkie. Szlachetne i dzikie drzewa, krzewy i pnącza owocowe w ogródku i na działce
Sad inny niż wszystkie. Szlachetne i dzikie drzewa, krzewy i pnącza owocowe w ogródku i na działce
Andrzej Juliusz Sarwa

Książka adresowana jest głównie dla ogrodników amatorów i działkowiczów. Zawiera szczegółowy opis uprawy, sposobów rozmnażania i pielęgnacji ponad czterdziestu drzew, krzewów i pnączy owocowych, znany...

All the Sad Young Men
All the Sad Young Men
Francis Scott Fitzgerald

Published a year after The Great Gatsby, this short-story collection showcases many of the celebrated novel’s themes, as well as its unique writing style. Two of the most famous tales, the beautifully...

3G / SAE Bundle
E. Dahlman

Combining information on the most important and related technologies in the mobile communications field, this two book package gives the engineer a concise, complete and authoritative introduction to ...

It's Ok to Be Sad
It's Ok to Be Sad
Margaret Collins

When a child faces a problem with health or disability we are quick to offer support or change our expectations. Sadness, distress, anxiety, whether transient or long-term, can have significant effect...

Erotic Beyond Sade
Erotic Beyond Sade
Octavio Paz

A poem and two essays written over a period of five decades gather the author's thoughts on the work of the controversial Marquis de Sade.

Ballad of Sad Cafe
Ballad of Sad Cafe
C. McCullers

Few writers have expressed loneliness, the need for human understanding and the search for love with such power and poetic sensibility as the American writer Carson McCullers. In The Ballad of the Sad...

SAE and the Evolved Packet Core
SAE and the Evolved Packet Core
Magnus Olsson

* Up-to-date coverage of SAE including the latest standards development * Easily accessible overview of the architecture and concepts defined by SAE * Thorough description of the Evolved Packet Core f...

All the Sad Young Literary Men
All the Sad Young Literary Men
K. Gessen

smart, funny and compassionate: a near-perfect debut

The Marquis De Sade-The Crimes of Love
The Marquis De Sade-The Crimes of Love

Who but the Marquis de Sade would write, not of the pain, tragedy, and joy of love but of its crimes? Murder, seduction, and incest are among the cruel rewards for selfless love in his stories. Traged...

The Marquis de Sade: A Very Short Introduction
The Marquis de Sade: A Very Short Introduction
John Phillips
Seria: A Very Short Introduction

From his infamous libertine novels to his championing of atheism, the Marquis de Sade's writing remains as powerful and shocking today as when it was first published. This Very Short Introduction dise...

Das Inzestmotiv als Gesellschaftskritik in 'Der Zementgarten' von Ian McEwan
Das Inzestmotiv als Gesellschaftskritik in 'Der Zementgarten' von Ian McEwan

Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2006 im Fachbereich Anglistik - Literatur, Note: 1,3, Universität Potsdam (Institut für Künste und Medien), 10 Quellen im Literaturverzeichnis, Sprache: Deutsch, Anmerkungen...

Mark Haddon

That Mark Haddon's first book after The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time was a poetry collection perhaps came as a surprise to his legions of fans; that it is a collection of such virtuos...

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