
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "sara i ezer", znaleziono 24

Middle Ear Sugery
Middle Ear Sugery
Mario Sanna

This work focuses on the latest techniques and developments in the complex field of middle ear surgery, and covers advances in stapes surgery; cholesteatoma surgery; implantable hearing aids; and more...

Droga Do Baru Harry'Ego Br
Droga Do Baru Harry'Ego Br
Gordon Haskell

"Droga do Baru Harry'ego jest hołdem dla tego wszystkieo co niegdyś było wspaniałe w muzyce, ale - co ważniejsze - jest szczerą relacją z oszustw, zdrady i poświęcenia, które Gordon napotkał w drodze ...

Principles of Ear Acupuncture
Principles of Ear Acupuncture
Axel Rubach

Gives an overview of ear acupuncture in view of both the French and Chinese schools of acupuncture. Principles and treatments are explained, including point localization for each indication, targeted ...

Ear Nose & Throat Histopathology
Ear Nose & Throat Histopathology
L. Michaels

The Second Edition of Michael's Ear, Nose and Throat Histopathology has been expanded and revised by Leslie Michaels in conjunction with his new co-author Henrik B. Hellquist to include the advances t...

Middle Ear & Mastoid Microsurgery
Middle Ear & Mastoid Microsurgery
Mario Sanna

Based on more than 30 years of experience and 12,000 clinical cases, this state-of-the-art guidebook provides clear, step-by-step instructions on the latest middle ear and mastoid microsurgeries. The ...

Ear Nose and Throat Diseases
Ear Nose and Throat Diseases
H. Behrbohm

Fully updated, revised, and significantly enlarged, the 3rd edition of this best-selling quick reference presents the essential and advanced knowledge of otorhinolaryngology, head and neck surgery. As...

Endoscopic Anatomy of Middle Ear
Endoscopic Anatomy of Middle Ear
Manfred Tschabitscher

While microsurgical techniques have already become common knowledge in ENT surgery, a new era has begun with the development of endoscopic surgery. Thereby, however, structures on the opposite side ar...

Atlas of Middle Ear Surgery
Atlas of Middle Ear Surgery
Michel Gersdorff

Packed with clearly labeled, full-color drawings on every page, Atlas of Middle Ear Surgery guides readers through the most common and innovative surgical procedures used to manage middle ear patholog...

Restitutional Surgery of Ear & Temporal Bone
Restitutional Surgery of Ear & Temporal Bone
R. Wigand

The concept of restitutional surgery aims at surgery that restores natural function. This book introduces the author's own experience in the application of surgical strategies for treating otologic di...

Ear Acupuncture a Precise Pocket Atlas
Ear Acupuncture a Precise Pocket Atlas
Beate Strittmatter

A novelty to the international market both in concept and realization, this pocket atlas allows the reader to both effectively learn and quickly reference ear acupuncture points. Clear, simple images ...

Ear & Temporal Bone Surgery Minimizing Risks & Complications
Ear & Temporal Bone Surgery Minimizing Risks & Complications
Richard J. Wiet

This is the first book to focus on prevention and safety in ear surgery. The author presents standards of care by experts, and how to avoid complications and deal with them if they occur, for all comm...

Ear Nose Throat & Tracheobronchial Diseases in Dogs & Cats
Ear Nose Throat & Tracheobronchial Diseases in Dogs & Cats
Venker Van Haagen

Ear, Nose, Throat and Tracheobronchial Diseases in Dogs and Cats is the first textbook to give a complete overview of all ENT diseases, both commonly encountered and rare. There are six chapters which...

Surgery of the Ear
Surgery of the Ear
Michael E. Glasscock

Glasscock-Shambaugh Surgery of the Ear has long been the reference of choice for otolaryngologists and neurosurgeons. In this fifth edition of the classic text, the authors have maintained its authori...

Managing the Draining Ear
Managing the Draining Ear
Michael Hawke

Managing the Draining Ear features a collection of otoscopic photographs that clearly illustrate conditions affecting the ear. The text is divided into three sections: Otorrhea; Management of Otitis E...

Diseases of Ear 6ed
Diseases of Ear 6ed
H. Ludman

The 6th edition of this well-established textbook is essential reading for postgraduates studying for the otolaryngology specialty exams, giving all the necessary information for otologists in trainin...

Color Atlas of Ear Disease
Color Atlas of Ear Disease
Richard A. Chole

Color Atlas of Ear Disease, Second Edition, has been written to provide health care professionals with images of a large variety of ear diseases, as well as a spectrum of variation in those diseases, ...

Ear Nose & Throat & Head & Neck Surgery
Ear Nose & Throat & Head & Neck Surgery
R. Dhillon

This is the second edition of a volume in the Illustrated Colour Text series. It is aimed at clinical medical students and junior postgraduates. Although ENT is a small specialty itself it is an impor...

Surgery of the Ear & Temporal Bone
Surgery of the Ear & Temporal Bone
Joseph B. Nadol, Michael J. McKenna

Revised and written by leaders in the field, this expanded Second Edition text/atlas focuses on surgical techniques and surgical decision making. Coverage includes the latest techniques, patient exami...

ABC of Ear Nose and Throat
ABC of Ear Nose and Throat
H. Ludman

This new edition of the best-selling ABC of Otolaryngology offers an up-to-date overview of otolaryngology, and head and neck surgery (ENT). Now in its fifth edition, the ABC of Ear, Nose and Throat a...

Tumors of Upper Aerodigestive Tract & Ear
Tumors of Upper Aerodigestive Tract & Ear
M. Gaffey, S. Mills

The latest fascicle in the "AFIP Atlas of Tumor Pathology" is concerned with the upper respiratory tract and has been compiled by three surgical pathologists at one of the nationally recognized U.S Ce...

Ear Diseases of the Dog & Cat
Ear Diseases of the Dog & Cat
Richard G. Harvey

comprehensive brief, superbly illustrated coverage;practical approach to investigation, diagnosis and management;complementary specialist skills of international author team. For sales to North Americ...

Biopsy Interpretation of the Upper Aerodigestive Tract & Ear
Biopsy Interpretation of the Upper Aerodigestive Tract & Ear
E. Stelow

This new volume of the Biopsy Interpretation Series is a practical, superbly illustrated guide to interpreting biopsies of the upper aerodigestive tract and ear. The book describes and illustrates the...

Peter D. Bull

"Lecture Notes: Diseases of the Ear, Nose and Throat", now in its tenth edition, is an ideal learning aid covering the core principles of this important specialty. With concise chapters, this text is ...

Ear Nose & Thorat Disorders for Primary Care Providers
Ear Nose & Thorat Disorders for Primary Care Providers
Gayle E. Woodson

This comprehensive text serves as a practical aid to primary care physicians in managing clinical problems of the ears and upper aerodigestive tract. Introductory chapters review pertinent anatomy and...

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