Detailed, well-illustrated explanations, not just definitions|Hundreds of concise yet authoritative articles|An easy-to-understand presentation, accessible and interesting to non-specialists|A portabl...
McGraw-Hill's world-renowned annual publication continues its tradition of making information on the latest advances in science and technology accessible to the non-scientist through concise, well-ill...
Detailed, well-illustrated explanations, not just definitions|Hundreds of concise yet authoritative articles|An easy-to-understand presentation, accessible and interesting to non-specialists|A portabl...
This volume will serve the needs of anyone seeking definitions of words and phrases in the environmental sciences and technology. By virtue of its broad content, reasonable price and handy format, it ...
McGraw-Hill's world-renowned annual publication. continues its tradition of making information on. the latest advances in science and technology accessible. to the non-scientist through concise, well-...
More than 7,000 concisely written articles covering all major disciplines of science and technology in one volumeEdited and illustrated for clarity and ease of understanding by non-specialist and expe...