
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "sobie bez denata", znaleziono 37

House Mouse Senate Mouse
House Mouse Senate Mouse
Peter Barnes

This book teaches children about our nation's Capitol and takes them through the legislative process, from the basic research of a bill through committee consideration to signing at the president's de...

Torture Debate in America
Torture Debate in America
K. Greenberg

As a result of the work assembling the documents, memoranda, and reports that constitute the material in The Torture Papers the question of the rationale behind the Bush administration's decision to c...

Democratic Debate Student Text
Democratic Debate Student Text
B. Miroff

In "The Democratic Debate", the facts of American politics are organised around the theme of democracy. Each chapter examines the tension between elite and popular models of democracy and the impact o...

Standard English The Widening Debate
Standard English The Widening Debate
T. Bex

Standard English draws together the leading international scholars in the field, who confront the debates surrounding 'Standard English', grammar and correctness head-on.These debates are as intense t...

Abortion Debate in the World Arena
Abortion Debate in the World Arena
Andrzej Kulczycki

Abortion is a woman's health concern and a complex moral dilemma everywhere. It is now also one of the most intractable social and political problems of our time. This book provides the first account ...

Fatal Exit the Automotive Black Box Debate
Fatal Exit the Automotive Black Box Debate
Thomas Kowalick

FATAL EXIT is the first and only book documenting the decades-long debate among the automotive industry, government regualtors, and safety and privacy advocates over what the public terms "automobile ...

Issues for Debate in American Public Policy
Issues for Debate in American Public Policy

For coverage of the most important policy issues facing the United States?from disaster preparation to global warming, and avian flu to the death penalty?offer your students balanced and complete over...

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