Maura and Patrick have escaped the desperate poverty and danger of leaving home in Ireland to face even greater peril as they continue their daring voyage to the New World with their friend Laurence K...
Maura O'Connell, 15, and her brother, Patrick, 12, escape Ireland's brutal poverty with only the belongings in their bundles and tickets for ocean passage. Sir Laurence Kirkle, 11, flees a life of pri...
The concluding volume in Waggoners critically acclaimed Blade of the Flameseries that follows a former assassin trying to change his life and setthe world to right.
For more than a hundred million years, sea turtles have been swimming in the world's oceans. These magnificent, long-lived creatures spend their lives in the water, coming ashore to lay their eggs. Up...
The bestselling story of a husband and wife team who walked clockwise for 302 days around the coastline of mainland Britain. Both 52, they gave up comfort in Tunbridge Wells to spend the next 10 month...