
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "special enap", znaleziono 4

Scoping the Social: An Introduction to the Practice of Social Theory
Scoping the Social: An Introduction to the Practice of Social Theory
Anthony Woodiwiss

Social theory is central to the disciplines of sociology, cultural studies, criminology, and media studies. Many students, however, find it difficult to relate theory to their other courses, projects...

Social and Environmental Policies in EC Procurement Law
Social and Environmental Policies in EC Procurement Law
S. Arrowsmith

In developing public procurement policy, governments are often concerned not only with value for money but also with promoting their social and environmental objectives. However, imposing social and e...

Ecuador An Economic & Social Agenda In The New Millennium
Ecuador An Economic & Social Agenda In The New Millennium

Ecuador has suffered from high external vulnerability, poor macroeconomic performance, and poor governance. A succession of external adversities - linked to the volatility of oil prices and violent va...

Yes We Did An Inside Look at How Social Media Built
Yes We Did An Inside Look at How Social Media Built
R. Harfoush

FOREWORD by Don Tapscott, author of Wikinomics and Grown Up Digital The Obama campaign's mastery of social media for everything from fundraising to volunteer coordination has been widely reported. Unt...

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