
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "swoje sgedek", znaleziono 23

sed i awk
sed i awk
Arnold Robbins

Jest to książka o narzędziowych programach UNIX, nazywanych dziwnie sed i awk. Programy te mają ze sobą wiele wspólnego, zwłaszcza użycie wyrażeń regularnych dla dopasowywania wzorców. Ponieważ dopaso...

Stachura alias Sted
Stachura alias Sted
Marek Badtke

Lemon Poppy Seed
Lemon Poppy Seed

A new generation of talent is currently developing its own interdisciplinary and refreshingly off-key visual vocabulary. Lemon Poppy Seed is a compilation of work by young, international artists whose...

sed i awk. Leksykon kieszonkowy
sed i awk. Leksykon kieszonkowy
Arnold Robbins

sed i awk to potężne narzędzia edycji dla osób tworzących i modyfikująych pliki tekstowe. Programy te i wyrażenia regularne pozwalają programistom i administratorom systemów na automatyzację zadań edy...

Sted : kalendarium życia i twórczości Edwarda Stachury
Sted : kalendarium życia i twórczości Edwarda Stachury
Waldemar Szyngwelski

Czytając Kalendarium życia i twórczości Edwarda Stachury odniosłem wrażenie, że Waldemar Szyngwelski wie wszystko o autorze całej jaskrawości, co tylko dzisiaj jesteśmy w stanie o nim wiedzieć. Praca ...

Literatura na świecie nr 2/1989 - Dura sex sed sex
Literatura na świecie nr 2/1989 - Dura sex sed sex
John Cleland, František Kubka, František Halas, Henry de Montherlant ...
Seria: Literatura na świecie

„Literatura na Świecie” ukazywała się nakładem Wydawnictwa Współczesnego (RSW „Prasa-Książka-Ruch”), w latach 1990-1994 była wydawana przez Agencję Autorską na zlecenie Ministerstwa Kultury i Sztuki,...

Sally Coulthard

SHED CHIC offers inspirational guidance to planning, sourcing anddecorating your own individual garden building, from location and utilitiesto materials, style and furnishings.

Ramona Aged
Ramona Aged

The further adventures of the Quimby family as Ramona enters the third grade.

Carrot Seed
Carrot Seed
Ruth Krauss

The story of a patient little boy, a carrot seed, and a few wonderful surprises for those who wait.

Seed Fate
Seed Fate
P. Forget

This book presents current knowledge of seed fate in both natural and human-disturbed landscapes, from various regions of the world. Habitats considered range from mountain and arid deserts in the tem...

Seed Dispersal
Seed Dispersal
Andrew J. Dennis, David A. Westcott, E. W. Schupp, Ronda J. Green

Fresh concepts in the study of seed dispersal are spurring a host of exciting new questions, new answers to old questions, new methods and approaches, and a reinvigoration of the field. Seed Dispersa...

Big Shed
Big Shed
Will Pryce

'Will inform, delight and inspire architects, engineers and anyone who simply wonders at these extraordinary structures' - New Design An exploration of contemporary architecture's decision to 'think b...

Hanging Shed
Hanging Shed
Ferris Gerdon

Glasgow, 1946. The last time Douglas Brodie came home it was 1942 and he was a dashing young warrior in a kilt. Now, the war is over but victory's wine has soured and Brodie's back in Scotland to try ...

Alien Seed
Alien Seed
Edwin Charles Tubb
Cykl: Space 1999, tom 7

Space: 1999 Alien Seed is a fast-paced, adventure novel that is sure to please followers of the television series, fans of E.C. Tubb's work, and science fiction readers in general. As Moonbase Alph...

Hellboy volume 1: Seed of Destruction
Hellboy volume 1: Seed of Destruction
Mike Mignola, John Byrne
Cykl: Hellboy, tom 1

Dark Horse presents new editions of the entire Hellboy line with new covers, beginning with Seed of Destruction, the basis of director Guillermo del Toro's blockbuster films. Hellboy, the world’s grea...

Ralf E. Ulrich, Ernst Hedler

TASCHEN 25 - Special edition!East German Design - 1949-1989 This eccentric collection of goods features East German consumer productsdaringly acquired before the wall was broken down. From foodstuffs ...

From Seed To Plant
From Seed To Plant
Gail Gibbons

Detailed, colorful illustrations and simple language bring the reader through plant reproduction, seed dispersal, pollen transference, and seed germination. "An appealing presentation of basic science...

Sow the Seed
Sow the Seed
Margaret Dickinson
Seria: Fleethaven Trilogy Book

Lincolnshire, 1926. Kate Hilton is devastated when he mother tells her she is to be sent away to boarding school. For the more Esther tries to keep her from her childhood sweetheart, Danny, the more d...

Fruit and Seed Production
Fruit and Seed Production
C. Marshall

To challenge the reader to even try to understand the complexity of reproductive development of plants is a formidable task. Yet, the 11 chapters of this book do so admirably by presenting a palatable...

Handbook Of Seed Science & Technology
Handbook Of Seed Science & Technology
Amarjit S. Basra

Handbook of Seed Science end Technology is an extensive reference text that focuses on the underlying mechanisms of seed biology and the impact of powerful biotechnological approaches on world hunger,...

Public Confessions of Middle-Aged Woman
2 wydania
Public Confessions of Middle-Aged Woman
Sue Townsend

Over the last decade, Sue Townsend has written a monthly column for Sainsbury

Testing Methods for Seed-Transmitted Viruses Principles & Pr
Testing Methods for Seed-Transmitted Viruses Principles & Pr
Sven Erik Albrechtsen

Yield losses and reduced crop quality, caused by plant viruses are an increasing problem. Several important plant viruses are, in addition to their sap and vector transmission, also transmitted throug...

Secret Diary of Adrian Mole Aged 13 34
Secret Diary of Adrian Mole Aged 13 34
S. Townsend

Pandora and I are in love! It is official! She told Claire Nelson, who told Nigel, who told me. I told Nigel to tell Claire to tell Pandora that I return her love. I am over the moon with joy. I can o...

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