Following on the heels of THE NOBODY, his Vertigo graphic novel debut, writer/artist Jeff Lemire pens his very first ongoing series SWEET TOOTH. A cross between Bambi and Cormac McCarthy's The Road, S...
A cross between Bambi and Cormac McCarthy’s The Road, SWEET TOOTH tells the story of Gus, a rare new breed of human/animal hybrid children, has been raised in isolation following an inexplicable pande...
Gus reluctantly joins Jepperd on missing persons hunt, but the tension between the two continues to grow. Meanwhile, Singh and Johnny come face to face with a deadly new threat, and Lucy and the girls...
As the mysterious Captain James Thacker and his crew man a deadly expedition, they will uncover secrets centuries old, but what does any of this have to do with Gus and Jepperd? Plus, while Jeppard, S...
A cross between Bambi and Cormac McCarthy's The Road, SWEET TOOTH tells the story of Gus, a rare new breed of human/animal hybrid children, who has been raised in isolation following an inexplicable p...
Following on the heels of THE NOBODY, his Vertigo graphic novel debut, writer/artist Jeff Lemire pens his very first ongoing series SWEET TOOTH. A cross between Bambi and Cormac McCarthy's The Road, S...
Meet SUE, the largest, most complete T. rex fossil ever found. Your young dinosaur fan will be enthralled by SUE, the Âcolossal fossil. HeÂll learn how she was unearthed in the Badlands of South Dako...
Tadeusz Rozewicz is Poland's most popular and influential poet. Born in 1921, he belongs to the generation of writers whose work was indelibly marked by Poland's traumatic and tragic war-time experien...
Zbiór autentycznych tekstów do czytania i słuchania dla początkujących. Każdy z pakietów składa się z książki ćwiczeń i trzech kaset audio. Ćwiczenia pomagają sprawdzić i trenować umiejętność rozumien...
The Dragon Rebellion has begun, bringing the Vikings' darkest hour upon them. Hiccup has become an outcast, but that won't stop him from going on the most harrowing and important quest of his life. He...
From his candid and sometimes neurotic point of view, Will tells all in this musical and sexy follow-up novella to Renée Carlino’s USA Today Bestseller. Life is pure bliss for Mia and Will. They have...
Pakiet do nauki języka niemieckiego składa się z trzech kaset audio i książki z ćwiczeniami z rozumienia ze słuchu.
Trainieren Sie Ihr Deutsch: In der Bahn, im Bus, im Flugzeug und zu Hause - Ihr Trainer ist immer dabei. Und der Erfolg gehort Ihnen!
The Jewish year is blessed with many holidays, and each one has its special food. From Rosh Hashanah to Shavuot, from the Seder meal to the Sabbath meal, food celebrates the season and commemorates th...
The New York Times bestselling memoir of pilgrimage and metamorphosis by the author of The Secret Life of Bees and her daughter. Sue Monk Kidd has touched the hearts of millions of readers with her b...