Modern warehouse and distribution systems constitute highly complex nodes within the value-added supply chain and have to meet a variety of requirements with regard to time, costs and quality. The eff...
Przerażająco prawdziwa powieść o tym, co się dzieje, kiedy Wielki Biznes stosuje metody godne Wielkiego Brata. Oraz o tym, kto zapłaci za to najwyższą cenę. Paxton nigdy nie sądził, że będzie pracow...
Set up a reliable, secure decision-support infrastructure using the cuttingedge techniques contained in this comprehensive volume. Data Warehouse Design: Modern Principles and Methodologies presents a...
This groundbreaking book is the first in the Kimball Toolkit series to be product-specific. Microsoft other chapters and sections will focus on business issues that are interesting to a database admin...
Cowritten by Ralph Kimball, the world's leading data warehousing authority, whose previous books have sold more than 150,000 copies Delivers real-world solutions for the most time- and labor-intensive...
The ultimate guide to data warehouses! "A comprehensive, thoughtful, and detailed book that will be of inestimable value to anyone struggling with the complex details of designing, building, and maint...
The new edition of the classic bestseller that launched the data warehousing industry covers new approaches and technologies, many of which have been pioneered by Inmon himself In addition to explaini...
"This book should satisfy those who want a different perspective than the official Oracle documentation. It will cover all important aspects of a data warehouse while giving the necessary examples to ...
Warehouses are often seen as a necessary evil: places that stop the flow of goods and thus increase costs without adding value. But the truth is that they have a critical part to play in supply chain ...
* With more than 40% new or revised material, this book offers a quick overview of business intelligence and data warehouse concepts, and explains how to use the SAP BW to design, build, deploy, acces...
Single most authoritative guide from the inventor of the technique. Presents unique modeling techniques for e-commerce, and shows strategies for optimizing performance. Companion Web site provides upd...