
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "zaba geis", znaleziono 5

GPU Gems 3
GPU Gems 3
H. Nguyen

One of the biggest developments in computer hardware in the last few years has been the introduction of and rapid improvement in a new generation of Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) with much more pow...

Game Programming Gems 6
Game Programming Gems 6
M. Dickheiser

"Game Programming Gems 6" is the latest all new volume in this critically acclaimed series. Filled with insights from game industry pros, this volume provides faster, better tools and techniques for m...

O'Boys Tome 2- Deux chats gais sur un train brûlant
O'Boys Tome 2- Deux chats gais sur un train brûlant
Steve Cuzor, Philippe Thirault
Cykl: O''Boys, tom 2

ESRI Guide to GIS Analysis v 2
ESRI Guide to GIS Analysis v 2
Andy Mitchell

The most commonly used spatial statistical tools are described in detail along with their applications in a range of disciplines, from crime analysis to habitat conservation. GIS users will learn how ...

ESRI Guide to GIS Analysis v 1
ESRI Guide to GIS Analysis v 1
Andy Mitchell

Backed by the collective knowledge and expertise of the worlds leading Geographic Information Systems company, this volume presents the concepts and methods unleashing the full analytic power of GIS.

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