Na początku łudzimy się, jesteśmy oczarowani, a nawet zaczarowani, ale później to mija. Jesteśmy rozczarowani, gdy to, czego oczekiwaliśmy, co zakładaliśmy lub na co mieliśmy nadzieję, wcale się nie ...
Życie Jezusa jest przedmiotem szerokiego zainteresowania. Istnieje wiele opracowań na temat tej postaci, jednakże mamy do dyspozycji niewiele obiektywnych danych. Świadectwo ewangeliczne jest tylko j...
Koło życia i śmierci Wybór tekstów na temat śmierci, odradzania się i umierania pod redakcją Philipa Kapleau. "Naprawdę ważny jest umysł, który posiada każdy z nas. Musimy dbać o jego stałość i trze...
Historia Japonii. Niezwykła opowieść o Kraju Wschodzącego Słońca, samurajach, siogunach i zen to fascynująca podróż przez kraj, który niegdyś pragnął podbić Chiny, a później na dwa stulecia odizolowa...
Look at the world in a brand new way using the teachings of Stillwater the giant panda bear. With his Zen approach to life, Stillwater shows three brothers the value of material goods, the boundaries ...
The S.A.S.S. series travels to Japan in one of the most exotic--and fun--installments yet.
Few spiritual practices are more intriguing or elusive than those of Zen Judaism,” says David M. Bader in the foreword to Zen Judaism. “This growing movement offers a unique way to follow in the foots...
Original Zen texts and reproductions of Buddhist paintings and objects of worship offer the reader an anthology of this monastic way of life.
Acclaimed as one of the most exciting books in the history of American letters, this modern epic became an instant bestseller upon publication in 1974, transforming a generation and continuing to insp...
Is it possible to love two vampires at the same time? Pushing forty and alone, Pia Thomason heads to Europe on a singles tour,hoping to find romance. What she finds are two very handsome, verymysterio...
Humanity's love affair with mathematics and mysticism reached a critical juncture, legend has it, on the back of a turtle in ancient China. As Clifford Pickover briefly recounts in this enthralling bo...
The night Brad Warner learns that his childhood friend Marky has died, Warner is about to speak to a group of Zen students in Hamburg, Germany. It’s the last thing he feels like doing. What he wants t...
With ruthless precision and an irreverent wisdom that is often shocking, Osho dismembers Christianity in the presence of twenty-one Jesuit priests visiting his commune at the time this discourse serie...
Practical, playful and spiritually sound, Zen and the Art of Falling inLove draws upon a range of spiritual traditions - from Christianity toBuddhism - to reveal how we can forge lasting, meaningful r...
If all that has ever been said and written about the art and science of fundraising could be distilled down to just what really matterswhat makes them give.
Joining a fund-raising expedition, the author treks through primordial Irian Jaya, New Guinea. With a combination of climbing experience and Zen philosophy, he attempts the Carstensz Pyramid and the g...
Now in one easily accessible volume, this second edition of a highly- successful desk reference presents a thoroughly-updated treatment of coatings technology and its numerous applications. Providing ...
Roman Coins and their Values, Volume V: The Christian Empire: The Later Constantinian Dynasty and the Houses of Valentinian and Theodosius and their Successors, Constantine II to Zeno, AD 337 - 491 by...