Charlotte McConaghy
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Charlotte McConaghy

Autorka 10 czytelników
7.9 /10
11 ocen z 2 książek,
przez 11 kanapowiczów


Charlotte McConaghy

Franny Stone zawsze była wędrowczynią. Kiedy jej ukochana dzika przyroda zaczyna znikać, Franny przybywa do odległej Grenlandii z jedną misją: znaleźć ostatnie na świecie stado rybitw popielatych i w...

Once There Were Wolves
Once There Were Wolves
Charlotte McConaghy

Inti Flynn arrives in Scotland with her twin sister, Aggie, to lead a team of biologists tasked with reintroducing fourteen gray wolves into the remote Highlands. She hopes to heal not only the dying...

Charlotte McConaghy
Cykl: The Chronicles of Kaya, tom 1

The people of Kaya die in pairs. When one lover dies, the other does too. So it has been for thousands of years – until Ava. For although her bondmate, Avery, has been murdered and Ava’s soul has bee...

Charlotte McConaghy
Cykl: The Chronicles of Kaya, tom 3

The kingdom of Kaya has been overthrown by a dark power. Trapped inside the dangerous capital, rebel leader Isadora fights the only way she can – by hunting those more monstrous than she. Falco is t...

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