This dark and gritty middle-grade science-fiction series begins in the year 2011, when the world is about to be destroyed. A handful of people board a revamped space shuttle and are placed into suspen...
Three groups race to gain control of the ship and Mother--the ship’s power source and the Remnants’ only chance to create a new Earth. It’s a race against the clock, each other, and forces beyond huma...
Caught in the bowels of their strange new world, Mo' Steel and Billy Weir encounter a lost Remnant, Kubric DiSalvo. But Kubric has been horribly changed. The ship has transformed him, replacing his sk...
The planet where the Eighty's ship landed isn't real. The Earth escapees are trapped in the computer-generated landscape of a ship, and when they discover a mysterious power node, they realize they ma...
A stranded group of humans on a strange planet begin to war against one another after a strange series of discoveries.