3D Street Art

3D Street Art
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3D anamorphic pavement art, invented in the 1980s by Master streetpainter Kurt Wenner, is the very latest street fashion and is spreading allover the world. These illusionary 2-dimensional images (which appear tobecome 3-dimensional when viewed from a fixed point through a camera lens)represent a new way of combining the mastery of Renaissance art techniqueswith the ephemeral qualities of street paintings. This book introduces youto the most important 3D street artists, their work and their views on thisyoung and trendy art form. See how their creations transform everydaylocations into alternative realities and behold the mysterious worlds thatlie hiddenA beneath the surface of the street!
ISBN: 978-90-79761-29-6, 9789079761296
Wydawnictwo: TECTUM
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