Abdominal Imaging 2 vols

Dushyant Sahani
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Abdominal Imaging, a title in the Expert Radiology Series, edited by Drs. Dushyant Sahani and Anthony Samir, is a comprehensive 2-volume reference that encompasses both GI and GU radiology. It provides richly illustrated, advanced guidance to help you overcome the full range of diagnostic, therapeutic, and interventional challenges in abdominal imaging and combines an image-rich, easy-to-use format with the greater depth that experienced practitioners need. Online access at expertconsult.com allows you to rapidly search for images and quickly locate the answers to any questions. Select the best imaging approaches and effectively interpret your findings by comparing them to thousands of images that represent every modality and every type of abdominal imaging.Find detailed, expert guidance on all diagnostic, therapeutic, and interventional aspects of abdominal imaging in one authoritative source, including challenging topics such as Oncologic Assessment of Tumor Response and How to Scan a Difficult Patient.Efficiently locate the information you need with a highly templated, well-organized, at-a-glance organization.Access and rapidly search the complete contents online at expertconsult.com.Better evaluate GI/GU conditions with thousands of high-quality digital images
Data wydania: 2010
ISBN: 978-1-4160-5449-8, 9781416054498
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Saunders - W. B. Saunders

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