AC Motor Control and Electrical Vehicle Applications

K. Nam
AC Motor Control and Electrical Vehicle Applications
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AC Motor Control and Electric Vehicle Applications addresses the topics mentioned in its title but also elaborates on motor design perspective, such as back EMF harmonics, loss, flux saturation, and reluctance torque, etc. Maintaining theoretical integrity in AC motor modeling and control throughout, the author focuses on the benefits and simplicity of the rotor field-oriented control, describing the basics of PWM, inverter, and sensors. He also clarifies the fundamentals of electric vehicles and their associated dynamics, motor issues, and battery limits. A powerful compendium of practical information, this book serves as an overall useful tool for the design and control of high-efficiency motors.# Presents the basics of DC machines and motor control theories
# Demonstrates synthesis of magnetomotive force (MMF) and defines inter-frame coordinate maps
# Illustrates dynamic modeling, field-oriented control, and advanced techniques for induction motors and permanent magnet synchronous motors (PMSMs)
# Explores the trend toward the use of PMSMs and related sensorless control techniques-including back EMF and signal injection-based methods
# Illustrates fundamentals of vehicle dynamics, the benefits of driving power hybridization, and the potential and limits of battery electric vehicles (BEVs)
# Includes experimental results and solutions to the problems
Data wydania: 2010
ISBN: 978-1-4398-1963-0, 9781439819630
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: CRC Press Inc.

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