Alternatives to Animal Testing

Roy M. Harrison
Alternatives to Animal Testing
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Animal experimentation has long been a controversial issue, with impassioned arguments on both sides of the debate. Increasingly, it has become more expedient and feasible to develop new methods that avoid the use of animals. There is agreement on both sides that reduction and refinement of experiments on animals should be an important goal for the industries involved. "Alternatives to Animal Testing", written by leading experts in the field, discusses the issues involved and approaches that can be taken. Topics included are: the safety evaluation of chemicals; international validation and barriers to the validation of alternative tests; in vitro testing for endocrine disruptors; intelligent approaches to safety evaluation of chemicals; alternative tests and the regulatory framework. The book provides an up-to-date discussion of the current state of development of alternatives to animal testing and is ideal for professionals and academics in the field. It would also be of use for graduate students wishing to pursue a career in the pharmaceutical and cosmetics industries.
Data wydania: 2006
ISBN: 978-0-85404-211-1, 9780854042111
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Royal Society of Chemistry

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