Ancient Greek Fortifications 500-300 BC (F.#40)

Nic Fields
Ancient Greek Fortifications 500-300 BC (F.#40)
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The development of the city-state in the Classical period of Greek history ensured a shift in the nature of fortifications in the region. No longer were fortresses designed to defend a ruler and his entourage, rather the whole of the citizen body had to be protected against any outside threats. The enceintes of these Greek city-states did not have to be very high or strong as city-state conflict was still decided by spear and shield, though some thought was still given to the science of fortification. This book details the construction and ongoing development of the defences that protected some of the most illustrious sites in Greece during the most famous period of her history.
Data wydania: 2006
ISBN: 978-1-84176-884-7, 9781841768847
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Osprey Publishing

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