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Christianity is the most widespread religion in the world. ARS SACRA paysthe due tribute to its art and architecture; a comprehensive compendiumpresenting just under 2000 years of Christian art, from early Christianityto the present day, with an abundance of illustrations. These include highquality photographs in XXL-format, making this an opulent feast for thesenses. This glorious tome impresses with the detail views specificallyfitted for the format, which allows the viewer to come within grasp of thedisplayed objects, often even closer than in reality, and to leisurelyindulge in the details. Excellently researched texts take the reader on atour through the epochs and highlight the specific changes in the sacralart, architecture, and culture over the centuries. ARS SACRA as thestandard work is all in one: fascinating glorious tome, comprehensivecompendium, and substantial textbook
ISBN: 978-3-8331-5140-8, 9783833151408
Wydawnictwo: Ullman Publishing

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