Biosecurity and Bioterrorism

J. Ryan
Biosecurity and Bioterrorism
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"Biosecurity and Bioterrorism" is the first book to take a holistic approach to biosecurity with coverage of pathogens, prevention and response methodology. The book is organized into four thematic sections: Part I provides a conceptual understanding of biowarfare, bioterrorism and the laws we have to counteract this; Part II investigates known bioagents and the threat from emerging diseases; Part III focuses on agricultural terrorism and food security; Part IV outlines international, US, and local initiatives for biodefense and biosecurity. Case studies illustrate biodefense against both intentional terrorism and natural outbreaks. The authors bring an extraordinary combination of experience in academia and the clinical world, as well as real-world experience in technical and practical matters, to their writing. They make technical material clear and fascinating for readers with a basic knowledge of biology.Ryan and Glarum address the hazards in the context of vulnerability assessments and the planning strategies government and industry can take to prepare for and respond to such events. How are these agents used in biowarfare?How likely are we to face either a natural outbreak or intentional human/animal infection? How can we prepare for this effectively?
Data wydania: 2008
ISBN: 978-0-7506-8489-7, 9780750684897
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Butterworth Heinemann

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