Case Studies in Immunology

R. Geha
Case Studies in Immunology
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"Case Studies in Immunology, Fifth Edition", cites major topics of immunology as the background to a selection of real clinical cases that serve to reinforce and extend the basic science. This new edition vividly illustrates the importance of an understanding of immunology in diagnosis and therapy. As well as being a valuable review aid, "Case Studies in Immunology" introduces in a clinical setting the major common disorders of immunity, including hypersensitivity types I-IV and autoimmune disorders such as lupus and multiple sclerosis. It also describes and explains the consequences of some of the most important immune deficiencies. Each case history is preceded by basic scientific facts essential to understanding the immunology behind the disease or disorder. An end-of-case summary, questions, and discussion points finish each case. "Case Studies in Immunology" can be used as a stand-alone book, or as a clinical companion alongside "Immunobiology, Sixth Edition" and "The Immune System, Second Edition".
Data wydania: 2007
ISBN: 978-0-8153-4145-1, 9780815341451
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: GARLAND

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