Code Red in the Boardroom Crisis Management

W. Coombs
Code Red in the Boardroom Crisis Management
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Even several years after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, many organizations are ill prepared to deal with crises, often opting to address them only after the fact. In Code Red in the Boardroom, Tim Coombs argues that crisis management should be a variety of activities the organization performs daily to prevent crises from occurring. In this timely book, he defines the types of crises an organization might experience (both internal and external). He then draws from a wide variety of case examples, and show-cases cutting-edge techniques that are being tested in the public and private sectors to demonstrate how crisis management can be 'hardwired' into the corporate DNA - so that sensing, preventing, and responding quickly to crises become everyone's responsibility.
Data wydania: 2006
ISBN: 978-0-275-98912-5, 9780275989125
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Praeger

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