Tasting, smelling and enjoying China - explore the specialties of themetropolises and the regional cuisine: from the south of China, the meltingpot, to the rich coast provinces in the north, to the palace cuisine ofBeijing all the way to the fiery-hot Szechuan and adventurous dishes in thesteppe. This thoroughly researched volume lifts the secrets of the MiddleKingdom: What for example hides behind dishes like 'Blister Soup','beggar's chicken' or even 'ants climbing a tree'? What does the day of aChinese worker look like and how is a wedding celebrated? What does a bigfamily in Beijing eat on the weekend and what food is served to pilgrimsafter their visit to a cloister? The 17 most important culinary provincesof China are extensively presented alongside breathtaking landscape shots,ensuring this volume is a beautifully presented yet authoritative source onChinese cuisine.