New York Times bestselling author Elizabeth Lowell cuts a new edge insuspense with a thrilling tale of passion and international intrigue. EmmaCross abandoned the blood, guilt, and tribal wars of CIA life for the elitesecurity consulting firm St. Kilda's. Now she's tracking the yachtBlackbird, believed to be carrying a lethal cargo that will destroy a majorAmerican city... in just seven days. Emma's partner, MacKenzieDurand—a former special ops killer well-honed in the world's nastiestregions—is more dangerous and unpredictable than the worst enemyshe's ever faced. And other eyes are watching Blackbird as well—coldand calculating, looking to alter the geopolitical balance through violenceand terror. In a deadly game where the rules change without warning, Emmaand Mac must find answers or watch the innocent die in unthinkable numbers.The race is on—and there's no telling who will cross the finish linealive...