Urban living is becoming increasingly crowded. Small space living is nolonger a lifestyle choice but a necessity in most cosmopolitan citiesaround the world where property is expensive and at a premium. Renting orowning of apartments is now a reality for many people. Designs for SmallSpaces brings together over 500 cleverly designed products that providestylish and functional ways to make the most of a living environment withlimited footprint.The primary function of the book is to aid the consumer to source suitableobjects for his/her home and each product selected will be in production oravailable to order directly from the designer as a custom-made item. Fullcontact details will be given of both designer and manufacturer anddetailed measurements given.A brief introduction will discuss how interior design and spatial planningare key when every metre counts, how various strategies in decoration andfurnishing can be adopted to make a space look and feel larger, and willalso offer advice for living in small spaces including top tips to maximizespace efficiency. The main body of the book will be divided into sixchapters dealing with Structural, Compact, Flexible, Illusory,Multifunctional and Organizational products.