Encyclopedia of Communities of Practice + On-Line Access

E. Coakes
Encyclopedia of Communities of Practice + On-Line Access
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The Encyclopedia of Communities of Practice in Information and Knowledge Management is the leading reference source for dynamic and innovative research in the field of communities of practice (CoPs) in information and knowledge management. With knowledge management work on the increase, this single volume encyclopedia provides a comprehensive, critical, and descriptive examination of all facets of CoPs, and includes 550 terms and definitions as well as 1,950 references to additional research. More than 120 researchers from over 20 countries provide in-depth coverage of conceptual and practical issues as well as topics regarding learning, leadership, ethics, social, intellectual, rewards, and language challenges.
ISBN: 978-1-59140-556-6, 9781591405566
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Idea Group Publishing

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