Fast Track to Success Sales

J. Mactear
Fast Track to Success Sales
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GET THE RESULTS YOU WANT IN SALES. FAST. Today's successful salespeople sell solutions to their customers, rather than push products at them. To do this well you need a diverse range of skills. You need sharp business skills or else you'll make few or poor sales and negotiating skills for the same reason. You need to be an excellent communicator, have a healthy level of confidence and be able to develop a feeling of empathy and rapport with the people you meet as you pursue sales. You need to be able to understand your customer's needs and wants, design a tailored solution for them and explain exactly what benefits they will derive from it. Fast Track to Success: Sales helps you do this by giving you an overview of best practice in all aspects of sales, along with practical advice on how to lead and manage a sales team. This practical, career-oriented book gets you up to speed on sales quickly.
Data wydania: 2009
ISBN: 978-0-273-72176-5, 9780273721765
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Financial Times

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