The mysterious world of elite combat units blown wide open...Find out how elite teams prepare for Close Quarter Battle.Discover how they launch assaults against pirate boats.Learn the secrets to directing air attack against a key intelligencetarget.Read how units manage to enter hostile territory undetected, and carry outlong-ranges reconnaissance mission deep behind enemy lines?In his new book, former SAS hero Chris Ryan delves into the secretive worldof elite warfare, revealing the nuts and bolts of some of the toughest,sharpest and most legendary fighting units in existence around the worldtoday.Drawing on his experience as a soldier in the Regiment for a decade, aswell as his recent unique access to some of the world's hardest and mostsophisticated special police units for his TV show Elite World Cops, ChrisRyan explores the secrets of the trade. From the HALO insertion techniqueto mounting ambushes and escape-and-evasion tips, Chris Ryan's Fight to Winis the ultimate guide to elite forces training and operations.