Foot Problems in Older People

H. Menz
Foot Problems in Older People
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Foot Problems in Older People provides a comprehensive guide to the assessment and management of foot and ankle problems in older people. Areas covered include the epidemiology of foot problems, functional implications, assessment of the older person with foot problems, common foot problems and their management, foot and ankle manifestations of common systemic conditions, wound management, footwear and orthotic considerations, surgical considerations and outcome assessment. Each chapter provides a comprehensive and critical review of the literature as well as providing practical evidence-based guidelines for clinicians. Author Hylton B Menz uses his detailed and extensive knowledge of the subject to provide a critique of the strengths and limitations of existing literature and to present in this easy-to-access volume a thoroughly practical, clinically orientated and evidence-based guide.
Data wydania: 2008
ISBN: 978-0-08-045032-2, 9780080450322
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Elsevier Science Publishers

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