Gemba Kaizen A Commonsense Low-Cost Approach To Management

M. Imai
Gemba Kaizen A Commonsense Low-Cost Approach To Management
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When it comes to making your business more profitable and successful, don't look to re-engineering for answers. A better way is to apply the concept of kaizen, which mean making simple, common-sense improvements and refinements to critical business processes.The result: greater productivity, quality, and profits achieved with minimal cost, time, and effort invested. In this book, you discover how to maximize the results of kaizen by applying it to gemba--business processes involved in the manufacture of products and the rendering of services--the areas of your business where, as the author puts it, the "real action" takes place.
Data wydania: 1997
ISBN: 978-0-07-031446-7, 9780070314467
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: McGraw-Hill

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